TreeAssist icon

TreeAssist -----

Auto Destroy, Auto Replant and more!

Followup to the Nether update, fix some materials and the tree determination
  • v7.0.109 - update the default ymls
  • v7.0.108 - add a warning when an invalid material has been entered; fix 2 entries in the natural block list
  • v7.0.107 - add more tools to the cooldown calculation; abort tree determination if an invalid block has been found
  • v7.0.106 - add netherite axe to tool list and drop factors, addresses issue #50
  • v7.0.105 - fix a nether related possible infinite loop
Nether Update Part X

Netherite items will be retroactively added to your configs, if you did not do so already.
The cooldown calculation now supports the new axes, leaves and all valid tools for them (hoes, shears, swords) and even stripped logs (but these would not allow for auto felling with the default setting for the plugin!

Weird destruction of trees in columns

The plugin would in some cases allow to auto destroy a single column of a tree if an invalid block when it would actually want to do nothing at all - if an unknown block was too close. These blocks included cocoa beans and azure bluets as I mistyped their names in the lists. These lists will also automatically be updated, if you did not do so already.

Now I stopped the tree determination alltogether if a player placed block / invalid block is found. The thin tree definitions would still allow an invalid thick tree to partially be killed because it assumed we are in a tree farm that just is not thick enough to be a full thick tree ;)


Finally there was a small bug that could lead to a NullPointer if an invalid item was added to the list - some contributed by me, some by other users. They will be informed where exactly the issue is so they can fix it now :)
----------, Jul 5, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 615,072
First Release: May 17, 2019
Last Update: Aug 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
46 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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