1.8-1.21.4 ⭐Advanced Crates⭕ 17 Premium Animations ✅ Custom Item Support ✅ In-Game Editor ✨ icon

1.8-1.21.4 ⭐Advanced Crates⭕ 17 Premium Animations ✅ Custom Item Support ✅ In-Game Editor ✨ -----

⭐ItemsAdder, MMOItems, Oraxen Supported ⭐ Edit Everything InGame⭐Save Items quickly InGame

1.5.0 Update Changelog
  • Added a new animation! Here you'll see a small preview of what it looks like. Make sure to get the new config as it has some new configurations. Note: you can change how fast the items swap and for how long the animation goes in the configuration section ;)


(sorry for taking so long to post this update, had some irl stuff come up :confused:)
----------, Aug 22, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,884
First Release: Jun 3, 2019
Last Update: Yesterday at 10:31 PM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
133 ratings
Find more info at pm2plugins.gitbook.io...
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Downloads: ------
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