BPS Premium - Player country - Staff Notify - Discord bot icon

BPS Premium - Player country - Staff Notify - Discord bot -----

Incredible advanced command blocker, buy this resources and get great benefits on your server!

Mega update
Update BPS-Premium 10.6.8

- [✔️] NEW! Fixed bug in bungeecord when using command (/bps reload language).
- [✔️] NEW! The file (discord/command_block.yml) was added.
- [✔️] NEW! The file (discord/block_swear.yml) was added.
- [✔️] NEW! Discord messages were removed from config.yml and transferred to a folder named (discord).
- [✔️] NEW! The "anti bot" has been removed.
- [✔️] NEW! Added a new field to see the exact date and time when I run the command in discord.
- [✔️] NEW! Now you decide whether to use PlaceholderAPI (it is disabled by default in config.yml).
- [✔️] NEW! Now you decide whether to use ProtocolLib (it is disabled by default in config.yml).
- [✔️] NEW! Now you can execute commands in the console (Spigot).
- [✔️] NEW! Now there are titles in each command when you use the command (/bps reload <config>).
- [✔️] NEW! Discord key name changed from (BPS-Premium-Bot) to (BPS-Premium).
- [✔️] NEW! Exact date added when player executes command or word locked on discord embed.
- [✔️] NEW! Fixed error when activating command when a player types a bad word
- [✔️] NEW! Fixed the bug that does not block the url in bungee cord
- [✔️] NEW! Now the BPS-Premium bot can show how many players are on the server (only in spigot)
- [✖] WARNING! You should delete the config.yml file
- [✖] WARNING! You should delete the Security.yml file
----------, May 15, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 236
First Release: May 22, 2019
Last Update: Feb 21, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
42 ratings
Find more info at stn-studios.dev...
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