The support for this version of RHSignItem will be discontinued!
❌ No support of multiple lines of text, e.g. with \n! (The plugin was designed to quickly sign items with a short lore, not long descriptions.) ❌ No multiple players signatures! (The plugin was designed to only support one player to sign an item.) ❌ No native PlaceholderAPI support! ❌ No Folia / ShreddedPaper support!
Open the config.yml and change 'use-luckperms-prefix' to true.
Restart your server
Was macht es? / What does it do?
[DEU] Mit RHSignItem kannst Du kinderleicht ein Item Deiner Wahl mit einer eigenen Beschreibung signieren! Das Plugin ist vollständig konfigurierbar und ermöglicht eigene Texte und Farben! (PlaceholderAPI wird nicht unterstützt!)
With RHSignItem you can easily sign an item of your choice with your own description! The plugin is fully configurable and allows your own texts and colors! (PlaceholderAPI is not supported!)
Vorschau / Preview
Video: <feel free to submit any self-made tutorial/preview video>
✔️ Kompatibilität / Compatibility
[DEU] Das Plugin ist mit Spigot und Paper ab der Version 1.20.x kompatibel. Die Nutzung der neuesten Minecraft Version wird dennoch empfohlen!
Achtung! Es wird keinen Support für ältere Versionen wie z.B. 1.8 geben. Diese Versionen sind veraltet und ein Patch zur Kompatibilität macht keinen Sinn. Fragt also nicht nach solchen Updates! Benutze immer die neueste Server Version!
[ENG] The plugin is compatible with Spigot and Paper from version 1.20.x. The use of the latest Minecraft version is still recommended!
Attention! There will be no support for older versions such as 1.8. So don't ask for it! These versions are outdated and a compatibility patch makes no sense. So don't ask for such updates! Always use the latest server version!
overrides all other of RHSignItem's permissions
players with this permission are able to sign their items with /sign
players with this permission are able to remove the signature of their items with /sign delete
players with this permission are able to reload the plugins config with /sign reload
players with this permission are able to lock a specific item with /sign lock
players with this permission are able to unlock a specific item with /sign unlock
players with this permission are able to sign their items with /fsign
players with this permission are able to rename a specific item with /renameitem
Commands & Aliases
/sign <text>
description: Signs the item in the main hand with your custom lore
aliases: [signieren]
/sign delete
description: Removes the signature of an item
aliases: [del, remove, unsign]
/sign lock
description: Locks an item for a signature
aliases: [lockitem]
/sign unlock
description: Unlocks an item for a signature
aliases: [unlockitem]
/sign reload
description: Reloads the config
aliases: [rel]
description: Signs the item in hand without a description
aliases: [fastsign]
description: Renames the held item
aliases: [umbenennen]
Konfiguration / Configuration:
This is the default config.yml
Code (YAML):
################################ # # # Configuration for RHSignItem # # reworked by GeekLegend # # # ################################
# Just replace the default info with your own. :) # Be careful! Make always sure to put an ' after and before the text! options: # Available placeholders: # %text% = lore | %group% = LuckPerms group prefix | %player% = player | %date% = current date | %time% = current time # If you want to use hexadecimal colors in here, you need to follow the legacy format -> &x&r&r&g&g&b&b content: - '
%text%' - ' '
- '&7Signed by
%group%&a&l%player%&r &7on &e&l%date% %time%' date-format: 'dd.MM.yyyy'
time-format: 'HH:mm:ss'
# Do you want to enable the "/fsign" command? To use it, players need the permission "RHSignItem.fastsign"! fast-sign:
enabled: false
content: '&7Signed by
%group%&a&l%player%&r &7on &e&l%date%' # Do you want to use automatic signature locking? (No permission needed!) auto-lock: false
# Do you want to charge for using the commands? vault:
enabled: false
cost: 250.00
# Choose which commands should be charged. charged-commands:
sign: true
delete: true
lock: true
unlock: true
fsign: true
rename: true
# Do you want to send the "vault-withdraw-success" message, when the player has been charged? paid-message: false
# Set Maximum items in player hand. max-stack-size: 1
# Should items, that already contain a lore be blocked for "/sign" and "/fsign"? block-existing-lore: false
# Do you want to also use the LuckPerms group prefixes? luckperms-prefixes: false
# Do you want to have sounds, when executing commands? plugin-sounds: true
# Do you want to block certain items for signatures? Leave empty to disable. #item-blacklist: # - 'poisonous_potato' item-blacklist: [] messages: # This is the plugins chat prefix # If you don't want to use it, you can just remove %prefix% in the following messages prefix: '&8
usage: - '&7- - - &8
]&7 - - -'
- ''
- ' &f/sign &7<&btext&7> &8-&7 signs the held item with &btext'
- ' &f/sign &edelete &8-&7 the signature gets &edeleted'
- ' &f/sign &elock&8&o* &8-&7 the item gets &elocked'
- ' &f/sign &eunlock&8&o* &8-&7 the item gets &eunlocked'
- ' &f/fsign &8-&7 quickly signs the held item'
- ''
- ' &f/renameitem &7<&btext&7>&8&o* &8-&7 &erenames&7 the item with &btext'
reload: '
%prefix% &7The configuration has been reloaded' no-permission: '
%prefix% &7You don''t have the permission for that' no-item-in-main-hand: '
%prefix% &7You have no item in your hand' item-lock: '
%prefix% &7The item has been locked' item-unlock: '
%prefix% &7The item has been unlocked' item-sign: '
%prefix% &7The item has been signed' item-delete: '
%prefix% &7The signature has been removed' item-rename: '
%prefix% &7The item has been renamed' item-not-signed: '
%prefix% &7This item is not signed' item-not-locked: '
%prefix% &7This item is not locked' item-already-signed: '
%prefix% &7This item is already signed by &a%player%' item-already-locked: '
%prefix% &7This item is already locked by &a%player%' item-already-locked-owner: '
%prefix% &7This item is already locked by &ayou' item-is-locked: '
%prefix% &7This item is locked by &a%player%' item-is-blacklisted: '
%prefix% &7This item is blacklisted' item-wrong-owner: '
%prefix% &7You are not the owner of the item' above-stack-limit: '
%prefix% &7You are trying to sign too many items (max. %stacksize%)' blocked-lore: '
%prefix% &7You can''t sign this item, because it already contains a lore' fast-sign-disabled: '
%prefix% &7Fast item signing is currently disabled' vault-withdraw-success: '
%prefix% &7That action cost you $%cost%' vault-withdraw-fail: '
%prefix% &7You can''t afford to use this command'
If you like this or my other plugins then please leave a review!