- added Blacklist
- /blacklist <add / remove / list> <name / word>
- - add names only
- - remove names only
- - list names only
- system.blacklist.word
- system.blacklist.word.add - add words only
- system.blacklist.word.remove - remove words only
- system.blacklist.word.list - list words only
- block players with fraudlent names to join your server
- censor messages with bad content
- added support for Blacklist to Chatsystem and Joinsystem
- new AFK detection
- players moving around, chatting, placing or removing blocks, or fishing, are no longer shown as afk
- added possibility to disable private messages
- temporary removed Teleport command
- removed Vault from softdepend - will be readded later on
- removed EconomySupport - will be readded later on
- removed VaultHook - will be readded later on
- removed SystemUpdater
- removed #getPrefix_Updater
- removed #getSQLHandler - will be readded later on
- changed Package decleration from de.ypgames to de.isolveproblems
- changed plugin author from YPGames to isolveproblems
- fixed error output from time command
- fixed error output from SystemPlayer
- fixed chat formatting for players with no rank
- fixed some command do not work
- changed some string names in YouTube Command
- fixed typo in feed command permission
- JoinSystem
- added support for ColorCodes to PremiumChat
- added support for custom messages to PremiumChat
- added support for ColorCodes to DisabledChat
- added support for custom messages to DisabledChat
- fixed #setFoodLevel and #setHealth function to work correctly
- Settings
- added better handling for GUIs
- added BackButtonHandler
- added CloseButtonHandler
- System
- added support for custom messages to reload command
- added description and aliases to all commands
- added all commands in to /system help
- added #getPrefix_Broadcast
- added #getHomeAPI
- added #getSystemPlayer
- added #getTitle
- SettingsAPI
- added #isOnline
- added #getMaxPlayerCount
- added #randomInt
- changed #getCurrentPlayers to #getCurrentPlayerCount
I hope you will like this update. I will try to work more often on this plugin now, but i can't promise it.
If you have any further questions, bugs or problems, please send me a dm or report it on GitHub.
Have very great cristmas days and a happy new year,
isolveproblems | Pascal