Config Update!
Hello everyone! After discussing the config.yml with user feedback, I’ve decided to reintroduce it with some exciting new features. You can now:
  • Enable or disable messages,
  • Change the GUI size,
  • Customize the outline blocks,
  • Update the closing message, and more!
Check out the updated config.yml below and explore all the customization options!

Code (Text):
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# GUI Trashcan by Hyperian Design and Development
# Please report any bugs on our Spigot page or Discord channel. Thank you!
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Trashcan GUI

# Enable or disable messages when players open/close the Trash Can GUI
# If set to true, players will receive a message when opening or closing the GUI.
enableTrashCanMessages: true

# The message players will receive when they open the Trash Can.
# You can customize it using color codes (e.g., &e for yellow, &l for bold).
openTrashCanMessage: '&e&lGUI Trashcan &8&l» &eYou have opened the trash can.'

# The message players will receive when they close the Trash Can.
# Also customizable with color codes.
closeTrashCanMessage: '&e&lGUI Trashcan &8&l» &cYou have closed the trash can.'

# The name of the Trash Can GUI that players will see at the top of the inventory screen.
# This supports color codes.
trashCanName: '&e&lTRASH CAN GUI'

# The block type used for the outline of the Trash Can GUI.
# This should be a valid Minecraft material (e.g., "GLASS", "LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE").

# The display name for the outline blocks in the Trash Can GUI.
# This is usually blank or a simple string (e.g., " " for an empty display).
# You can use color codes here too.
outLineBlockDisplay: ' '  # Red with no text, just a blank name

# The block used for the "Close Trash Can" button, which will appear at the bottom-right corner of the GUI.
# This should be a valid Minecraft material (e.g., "BARRIER").
closeTrashCanBlock: BARRIER

# The display name for the "Close Trash Can" button.
# This will appear when players hover over the close button.
closeTrashCanBlockDisplay: '&4&lCLICK TO CLOSE TRASH CAN'  # Red bold text saying "Close the can"

# The size of the GUI inventory. This must be a multiple of 9 (e.g., 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54).
# The size defines how many slots the Trash Can GUI will have. The default is 27 slots (3 rows).
guiSize: 54

# The message players will see if they don't have permission to open the Trash Can.
# Customize it with color codes.
noPermission: '&e&lGUI Trashcan &8&l» &cYou don''t have permission to use this!'
----------, Sep 27, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 707
First Release: Mar 29, 2019
Last Update: Oct 3, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
Version -----
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Downloads: ------
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