SafeNET [1.8 - 1.20] - Protect your network from IP-forward bypass exploit. icon

SafeNET [1.8 - 1.20] - Protect your network from IP-forward bypass exploit. -----

A lightweight protection from IP-forward bypass inspired by BungeeGuard and IP whitelist.

IPWhiteList 2.5 - Logs, IP checking remake, list command change, config changes, bStats chart added.
- Logs: Log files are now more detailed helping troubleshooting to be easier. Specifically, the IP player used to connect to the server can now be logged (it can be switched on and off in config.yml file). Also, a notice in the beginning of each log file was added.

- IP checking remake: The full logic part was remade, as hostname wildcard (*.) was not supported by case-sensitive (and not-) prefixes.

- List command change: /ipwl list <page> command was changed to not require the <page> parameter, if not specified, command automatically displays the first page. Also, new placeholder was added in list element display line.

- Config changes: Since the upper points, log section and command section was changed a bit. Please delete the config.yml and restart the server for a new one.

- bStats chart added: New bStats chart (in pie style) was added, it shows the connection type used by IPWhiteList ( YML, SOCKET, or MYSQL). This was made because I'd like to see the usage of YML and SOCKET connection type.
----------, Apr 14, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 24,346
First Release: Feb 21, 2019
Last Update: May 26, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
85 ratings
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