Returns the current version
checkPlayerFlag(UUID uuid, String flagName)
Returns true if the flag specified is active where the player is
This checks all Domain fields in order of inheritance
UUID uuid - The UUID of the Player to check
String flagName - The flag to check
locationInField(Location location)
Returns true if the location specified is in a Domain field
Location location - The location to check
playerAllowedAtLocation(Location location, Player player)
Returns true if the player is allowed at the location they are standing in
Player player - The player to check
playerAllowedAtLocation(Location location, UUID uuid)
Returns true if the player is allowed at the location they are standing in
UUID uuid - The UUID to convert to an online Player
playerFromUUIDString(String playerUUID)
Returns a Player object from the player ID. Added by request for Skript functionality
String uuidValue
flagAtLocation(Flag.Type flag, Location location)
Returns true if the flag is active at the specified location
Flag.Type flag - The flag type to check
Location location - The location to check
Gets a list of all flags
flagFromName(String flagName)
Gets a Flag.Type object from the String flag name provided
String flagName - The flag name to convert to a type
getDomainBlockItemStack(String blockKey)
Returns an Itemstack of the specified Domain Block. Returns AIR if invalid block key
String blockKey
getPlacedDomainBlockByID(int domainBlockID)
Returns a placed Domain block by its identifier. Returns null if no block exists
int domainBlockID - The domain block identifier to search on
getPlacedDomainBlocksSearch(String owner, String blockKey, String worldName)
Searches for placed Domain Blocks by owner name, block key or world name
Search terms can be combined. Send "" for unused search criteria
Returns null if no blocks found
String owner - The player name to search for
String blockkey - The block key to search for
String worldName - The world to search
API Events
- BlockBreakDomainEvent - Occurs when a block is broken in a Domain field
- BlockBurnDomainEvent - Occurs when a block is burned in a Domain field
- BlockFromDomainEvent - Occurs when water/lava flows from a Domain field
- BlockGrowDomainEvent - Occurs when something grows in a Domain field
- BlockIgniteDomainEvent - Occurs when something is ignited in a Domain field
- BlockPlaceDomainEvent - Occurs when a block is placed in a Domain field
- BlockSpreadDomainEvent - Occurs when fire spreads, chorus plants, kelp or bamboo grow in a Domain field
- BlockToDomainEvent - Occurs when water or lava flows to a Domain field
- PistonExtendDomainEvent - Occurs when a piston extends in a Domain Field
- SignChangeDomainEvent - Occurs when a sign is changed in a Domain Field
- SpongeAbsorbDomainEvent - Occurs when a sponge absorbs water in a Domain field
- DomainBypassChangeEvent - Occurs when a player changes bypass mode
- DomainEnterEvent - Occurs when a player enters a Domain field
- DomainEnterOwnEvent - Occurs when a player enters a Domain field that they own
- DomainFieldCreateEvent - Occurs when a player creates a new Domain field
- DomainLeaveEvent - Occurs when a player leaves a Domain field
- DomainLeaveOwnEvent - Occurs when a player leaves their own Domain field
- BucketEmpty - Occurs when a bucket is emptied in a Domain field
- BucketFill - Occurs when a bucket is filled in a Domain field
- CommandPreprocess - Occurs when a command is entered by a player in a Domain field
- PlayerDrop - Occurs when a player drops an item in a Domain field
- PlayerInteract - Occurs when a player interacts with something in a Domain field
- PlayerInteractEntity - Occurs when a player right clicks entity in a Domain field
- PlayerJoin - Occurs when a player joins the server (changes Domain bypass mode)
- PlayerMove - Occurs when a player moves in a domain field
- PlayerQuit - Occurs when a player quits the server (changes Domain bypass mode)
- PlayerShear - Occurs when a player shears an entity in a Domain field