CustomCrafting notice: This update is only compatible with the latest CustomCrafting v1.6.6.0 or later!
Breaking changes (
I will create a wiki entry for this soon for more detail!):
The CustomCache no longer extends the TreeMap, so any methods depending on it will no longer work!
The init method of the Button class for GuiClusters has been replaced:
-> Button#init(String, WolfyUtilities) was replaced with Button#init(GuiCluster)
- Added MCByteBuf to wrap Minecraft's ByteBuf (This allows to write ItemStacks, etc. into Packets and send them)
- Replaced io.netty v5 dependency with v4 (as that's the version MC uses!)
- Improved performance of the consumption of CustomItems.
- Improved BlockListener
- Improved NMSUtil class by combining duplicate code.
- Fixed Custom Items resetting specific NBT data when checked for similarity. (This should fix the issues of heads resetting and other possible issues.)
- Fixed WorldUtils timer loading placed CustomItems instead of saving them. (This should fix Advanced & Elite Crafting Tables resetting or keeping their particles when broken.)
- Minor fixes and changes