LevelPoints [1.16.5~1.20.*] - Network Storage [CNS] icon

LevelPoints [1.16.5~1.20.*] - Network Storage [CNS] -----

The ultimate leveling plugin

Massive Update Please Read
Levelpoints is no longer requiring actionbarapi as a dependancy, there is now a new option in config.yml to activate the intergrated one that comes with the plugin, also please backup and delete ALL files to get the latest versions of them, there is alot packed into this update so please read and if you have any problems or suggestions my pm is always open

Bugs Fixed:
-fixed a bug with LevelPoints not allowing users to levelup even with the permission "Levelpoints.xp"
- fixed major bug where players would start with level 0 and would not have any part of the plugin work for them
-fixed issue where leveling would not work and you would go past the max amount for that current level

Added/Changed Features:
- Changed the actionbar, it is now intergrated into the plugin, although lps is still supporting CMI's actionbar but no longer ActionbarAPI
- Added several more tags to be used in the lang.yml file, these tags are function specific so if you have a request for a tag to be in another area please pm me
- added more messages in the lang.yml these messages include EXP give message, for both sender and reciever and so much more
- added times EXP, this will give every player on the server the set amount of exp in the EXP.yml file every set seconds again in the EXP.yml, this does have a toggle so you decide weather or not to use this feature
- added a new setting in players.yml which allows users to decide weather or not they wish to see the actionbar, this will not affect any other player only the one that decides to use it, players can toggle with /lps toggle
- changed the behaviour of the /lps top, it can now be fully customized with changes in the Lang.yml

- Added 1.15 support​
----------, Dec 19, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 31,684
First Release: Jan 13, 2019
Last Update: Apr 21, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
109 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings