#Players.yml saves player data when either exp is given or level up, and adds player on join #Player Data can be edited in Players.yml
#Pvp level is a system that may help you on your server, it will block attacks from other players if the player attacking or the player that is being attacked is under the specified level #to disable pvp level just turn it to false PvpLeveluse: false
PvpLevel: 5
#If your using PermissionsEX and wanna use the build in rewards #Permission reward per level up: level.{whatever level they have} #Permission reward for prestige: prestige.1.level.{whatever level they have} PermissionsEX: false
#Custom Rewards make sure permissionsex is false or it will not work Rewards: #Example # - give %player% diamond 1 # Make sure when adding ranks to set it out exactly like this: Level-* (* = what level you want) Level-1: - say
%player% diamond 1
# Starting EXP they receive on first join Exp: 0
#EXP needed for each rank up + #Example # level 1 = 50exp #level 2 = 100exp #default 50 LevelingEXP: 50
#Starting Level on first join Level: 1
#Max Level before Prestige Default is 100 MaxLevel: 100
#prestige if you want enabled Prestige: true
#custom Leveling EXP, (use this method if you want non-linear leveling #make sure you write EVERY level there is 10 examples if you do not write every level it will just be 0 exp CustomLeveling: false
Level-1: 100
Level-2: 200
Level-3: 250
Level-4: 500
Level-5: 1000
Level-6: 2000
Level-8: 5000
Level-9: 10000
Level-10: 50000
#Killing for EXP #default is false Exp-Kill-players: false
#if Exp-kill-Players set to true how much exp per kill Kill-Player-Amount: 10
#if you want exp lost on death by player EXP-Lost-On-Death-Player: false
EXP-Lost-Amount: 0
#EXP for killing mobs #default is false Exp-Kill-Mob: false
#if Exp-Kill-Mob set to true how much exp per kill Zombie: 0
Skeleton: 0
Spider: 0
Creeper: 0
Enderman: 0
#this Option is for passive mobs Passive-Mobs: false
Cow: 0
Pig: 0
Chicken: 0
Rabbit: 0
#Boss Mobs #default is false #Must have Exp-Kill-Mob: true for it to work Use-Boss-Mobs: false
Enderdragon: 0
Wither: 0
#Ores exp for ores mined #if Resources true then you will get exp when they are mined #default is false Resources: true
#If true then it will allow for you to set what world leveling works in, WARNING (this is only leveling, and not disabling the plugin) PerWorld: false
Worlds: - world
#if boosters effect resources #per Level-ores #what level they have to be at to mine the ores. oStone: 0
oCoal: 0
oIron: 0
oGold: 0
oDiamond: 0
oEmerald: 0
Use-Booster: false
Coal: 0
Iron: 0
Gold: 0
Lapiz: 0
Redstone: 0
Diamond: 0
Emerald: 0
#More Coming Soon