Per LevelRewards --- To use these rewards make sure you have the new config.yml file and it will say Level-1 under rewards make sure if you want to add a new level and make sure it look exactly like this Level-(pick a level)
Code (YAML):
Rewards: #Example - help # - give %player% diamond 1 # Warning Awards will be giving out for every level up per level rewards will be added in the furture of this plugin # Make sure when adding ranks to set it out exactly like this: Level-* (* = what level you want) Level-1: - say
%player% diamond 1
Boss mobs EXP -- To use boss mobs exp you need to already have Exp-Kill-Mob: true, and then turn Use-Boss-Mobs: true, this is added in the new config.
Code (YAML):
#Boss Mobs #default is false #Must have Exp-Kill-Mob: true for it to work Use-Boss-Mobs: false
Enderdragon: 0
Wither: 0
Ore-EXP -- Now i know this has already been added but i've added a setting allowing you to turn off and turn on the use of ore-exp at will
Code (YAML):
#Ores exp for ores mined #if Resources true then you will get exp when they are mined #default is false Resources: false
Coal: 0
Iron: 0
Gold: 0
Lapiz: 0
Redstone: 0
Diamond: 0
Emerald: 0
Wanna go on on a rant real quick and say thank you to everyone who has reviewed my plugin and downloaded it, it really does mean alot to see people enjoying this plugin and i'm happy to say that i want to keep working on updates for you guys, so just gotta say thank you