BettingGames v1.4.0-BETA - GUI improvements, permissions, quick bet commands and more !
Please use DISCORD to get support, it's way faster ! The link is on the plugin page
This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin.
Thanks to all the community members for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Keep going, so I can make this plugin better ! 
Also consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied of my work and dedication ! <3
If you own a server running QuestCreator or BettingGames, I might be interested in displaying it on the plugin page ! Contact me by PM or on discord if you own one.
PyrCore v6.1.4-BETA
Improved :
- You can now specify a trienal condition (permission) as a placeholder for settings (only QuestCreator currently), allowing you to create mini-scripts. For example, writing {permission:my_permission,value,{math:10*2}} will result in value 'value' if player has permission 'my_permission' and in value '{math:10*2}' (so 20 after parsing math) if hasn't.
- Renamed setting 'auto_update' to 'update_check' and now only sending notifications on join. (lowkeyHero)
Fixed :
- Some problems with persistent (control) and regular items overriding each other. (BG #2)
BettingGames v1.4.0-BETA
Added :
- Setting 'permission' for games, allowing you to restrict games to some players only. (#3)
- Settings 'bet_money' and 'bet_items' for games, allowing you to disable the betting of one of those. (#3)
- For games 'CRASH', 'JACKPOT', 'COIN_FLIP' and 'ROCK_PAPER_SCISSORS', you can write a number after the opening command, and it'll automatically attempt to bet that amount of money, for instance /cf 10.5 will bet 10.5$ in your coin flip game. (#3)
- Argument '-player' for command '/bg top', allowing you to directly display a specific player. (#1)
Improved :
- Setting 'crash_chances' for game 'CRASH' now accepts decimal numbers. (Pangxie)