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This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin.
Thanks to all the community members for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Keep going, so I can make this plugin better ! 
Also consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied of my work and dedication ! <3
BettingGames v1.1.0-BETA
Added :
- Setting 'open_commands' for games, those command will open the game GUI when performed. (for huntingzap)
- Settings 'background_item_neutral', 'background_item_losing' and 'background_item_winning' for game 'ROCK_PAPER_SCISSORS', those materials will be in the RPS GUI background depending on the player's state. (for CraftSteamG)
Improved :
- Game 'ROCK_PAPER_SCISSORS' will no longer keep playing rounds if one of the two players will obviously win (so the 3rd round isn't played if a player already won 2 rounds for example).
- Setting 'min_players_to_draw' for games 'CRASH' and 'WHEEL' can now be set to 1 minimum. (for ViperiousMite, lowkeyHero)
Fixed :
- No longer displaying the entire bet value when displaying how much was lost to a player for versus games. (for CraftSteamG)
- No longer displaying the player balance amount when displaying the money error message.
Removed :
- Message 'MSG_BETTINGGAMES_RPSNEWROUND', because of the new RPS GUI background items, so less spam in the chat. (for CraftSteamG)