Leashed Mob Teleporter (OtherAnimalTeleport) icon

Leashed Mob Teleporter (OtherAnimalTeleport) -----

Allow users to teleport around with leashed entities!

WorldGuard support, Optimizations, Fixes, and more!
This update adds in a new config option (for WorldGuard support) so please read the drafted notes carefully! Other changes include optimizations to detection and teleportation.

Latest release information/download can also be found here https://github.com/CoolLord22/OtherAnimalTeleport/releases/tag/v2.1-b51

  1. Stop the server.
  2. Save a copy of your current folder
  3. Delete the old jar (in /plugins folder) and copy the new jar in place of it.
  4. Start the server.
  5. Modify the config to your liking, and restart the server (or run /oat reload) to update the changes.
  6. Report bugs you discover!

+ [Addition] Added plugin.yml to GitHub Closes #2 682efce
+ [Addition] Added WorldGuard region support. See config changes below. Closes #1 fd91e9d ff1d06a 985f9bf
+ [Addition] Added config optimization to check if values exist before parsing them 985f9bf
+ [Addition] Added more verbose logging messages for console at the HIGHEST level to log what conditions/checks passed or failed (debug use only) 399c36d
+ [Addition] Added backwards compatibility since chunk tickets did not exist pre-1.14 e7434a0
– [Deletion] 1.16 dependency as 1.18 automatically is backward compliant

• [BUG FIX] Fixed Updater to check the major.minor build format before resorting to build number comparisons 98ec187
[BUG FIX] Fixed teleportation of entities without leads, accidentally would re-leash tamed pets regardless of prior leash status d9e09df
• [BUG FIX] Fixed null check for Tameable owner, which could be Null when the event's player was not 2ce5300
[BUG FIX] Fixed issue with plugin not finding worlds loaded by a multiworld plugin; the startup of OAT is delayed until server has fully started
• [Modification] Bumped 1.16 dependency to latest 1.16.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT cd54764
[Modification] Added new Travis build badges 4fbc2c8 2ffb6cb
----------, Dec 5, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,229
First Release: Dec 25, 2018
Last Update: Feb 11, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings