ADDED More Information about the premade sets in the GUI
ADDED Customisable Damages for the smite effect
ADDED Customisable Messages for the suffocation effect
OPTIMISED Suffocation Effect
FIXED Suffocation effects customisable damage
Code (Text):
# Message that is sent when the smite effect is triggered
Message: "&f&l(!) &7%player% &fhas just activated the Revenge of Yijki"
Min: 5
Max: 10
# If you don't know what this is, then leave it
Message: "&5&l*** &d&lTraveller Ability &5&l***"
Message_Attacker: "&4&l(!) &c%player% has suffocated you in his blocks"
Max: 10
Min: 5
Radius: 5
Cooldown: 5
Hey, I just wanted to say sorry for the lack of updates. I've been really busy with my personal life and it's been really hard trying to balance it with this. I will be decreasing the amount I update to about once per week or once per two weeks.