Addtions/Changes: + Added Color Options to Upgrades
+ Added to choice of what lore is added upon upgrading
Code (YAML):
Material: "INK_SACK" Data: 11
R: 181
G: 3
B: 3
Addition_Lore: - ''
- '&cThis is stronger than diamond'
Name: "&e&lHeroic (&c&lPhantom&e&l) Upgrade" Lore: - '&7Apply to
any &c&lPhantom &7armor'
- '&7for a &6
%percent%% &7chance to imbue it' - '&7with the power of Heroic Armor'
+ Added option to adjust heroic armor damage percentage
Code (YAML):
percentage: 30
#This is the percentage for when it nullifies damage #Do not change this unless you know what you are doing! damage: 0.7
#Ignore this if you don't know what it is
Fixes: + Fixed /ea not working
+ Fixed issues with console spam
+ Fixed issues with teleport effect