EliteArmor ➢ Create Your Own Sets ✦ 11x Premade Sets ✦ 132 Multi-Armor Crystals ✦ Crafting Support icon

EliteArmor ➢ Create Your Own Sets ✦ 11x Premade Sets ✦ 132 Multi-Armor Crystals ✦ Crafting Support -----

Customisable Armor Set plugin with 10+ premade sets, ItemsAdder Support. Multi & Omni Armor + More

UPDATE 4.52: Effects Recode + New Information (Sets.yml)
--[ Effects Recode + New Information (Sets.yml) ]--
Recoded All Effects
[+] New information added to the sets.yml
Either regenerate your sets.yml or you can add the following to the top of your sets.yml
Code (YAML):
# Welcome to EliteArmor
# Created by Splodgebox

# Effects:
# Damage: Increase damage done by player
# Bow_Damage: Allows player to inflict more damage with bows
# Dura: Decrease durability damage
# Dura_Damage: Increase the amount of durability damage done (Weapons Only)
# Fall_Damage: Ignore Fall Damage
# Reduction: Decrease damage done by players
# EXP: Increase amount of exp gained by mobs
# Smite: Spawn a 3x3 lightning strike on attackers
# Suffocation: Spawn blocks out of the sky to suffocate enemies (Configurable in config.yml)
# Push_Away: Push attackers away Push_Away:(Amount_Of_Blocks)
# Hunger_Loss: Makes players avoid hunger loss
# Fly: Allows player to fly
# Trap: Make attackers immobilised
# Teleport: Teleport behind attacker
# Chestplate:
#  Enchants:
#  Data: 0
#  Name: "&c&lHeroic Chestplate"
#  Lore:
#  - '&cLegendary chestplate that is stronger'
#  - '&cThan diamond!'

----------, Nov 29, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,220
First Release: Nov 28, 2018
Last Update: Sep 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
70 ratings
Find more info at docs.eliteminecraftplugins.com...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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