NOTE:Please delete your GSit-Folder with this Update! There are a lot of changes on the Config and Lang-Files which can not be upgraded! Rename your current GSit-Folder before the Update to keep your old Data and let the Plugin generate a new Folder for you!
[+]Added the "/ride" Command! (Use this Command while you target an Entity to ride them! (Note: You can not control them!) (This won't work with Players! Use the PlayerSit-Feature herefor!))
[+] Added "GSit.Ride" Permission for the "/ride" Command!
[+] Added "ride-range" Config-Option! (Defines the Range of the Ride-Command)
[+] Added "RideBlacklist" Config-Option! (Defines the EntityTypes a Player can not sit on by the Ride-Command)
[+]Added "SitMaterials" Config-Option! (This Option now replaces all old Material-Options and is much easier to use thanks to Tag-Support!)
[+]Added new Lang-File-Format and Lang-Files!
[+] Added "Snow" to the Default-SitMaterials
[>] Renamed a huge amount of Config-Options and changed their Description!
[>] Changed the order of the Validation-Checks for "/sit" and "/lay"!
[>] Improved Performance, thanks to new updated internal Tasks!
[>] You can now use Tags in the MaterialWhiteList and MaterialBlackList!
[>] The custom Sit- & Lay-Message now supports a Key-Placeholder!
[>] Updated the SeatHeight-Calculations!
[!] Fixed some Problems with CustomMaterials Seat-Height! (Thanks for the Reports!)
[!] Fixed some wrong Waterlogged-Checks! (Thanks for the Reports!)
[!] Fixed some Issues with Blocks that prevented you from sitting on them!
[!] Fixed a lot of wrong Messages in Chat!
[-] Removed outdated "sit-on" Config-Options!
[-] Removed outdated Lang-Files! (All currently missing Translations will be added back in a future Version!)