[Update] THE LAY-UPDATE! Lay and Crawl, Sit-Changes & Bugfixes
Update []:
Please recreate your Config-File and Language-Files after this Update, because some changes were made to the File-Structure!
[+] Added the Ability to Lay and Crawl on a Block!
[+] While you lying on the Ground your Equipment, Arm-Animations, Skin-Settings, Rotation gets Synchronized with the spawned NPC. You can't interact with the Environment while you laying or crawling. Note that you can use the Lay and Crawl-Feature only on the Versions 1.15.x - 1.16.x! In the Future there will be more Features coming to the Lay-Functions! If you have any suggestions please let me know in the Discussion-Area!
[+] Added "/lay"-Command
[+] Added "/crawl"-Command
[+] Added "GSit.Lay"-Permission
[+] Added "GSit.Crawl"-Permission
[+] Added "Lay"-Messages
[+] Added "Lay"-Config-Options
[+] Added "sit-at-block-center"-Config-Option (Defines if the Player gets centered on a Block if he sits down)
[>] Renamed a lot of Config-Options and make them categorized and more clearly to understand
[>] Renamed some Lang-Messages (In some Languages there are now English Messages because I can't speak all of the supported Languages! If you familiar with this Languages you can send me a translated Version! Thanks!)
[>] Changed some Parts of the internal List-Manager
[>] Some internal Classes get moved
[>] Optimized some Parts with the new Seat-Rotation
[>] Optimized the Calculation-Time from Seat-Clicks
[!] Fixed some Bugs with Water floating through Seats
[!] Fixed a Bug where you can't sit on a Slab with Air under it since the last Update
[!] Fixed a Bug where the "sit-only-with-free-hand"-Config-Option didn't work corectly
[!] Fixed a lot of Bugs related to older Versions (1.11.x - 1.12.x)
[!] Fixed some Bugs with sitting on/in Snow Blocks