LT Item Mail
Have you ever imagined mailing items to your friends in Minecraft?
With this plugin, you can send as many blocks/items you wish to your friends or other players. You just need to type /mailitem <player> [label] and an inventory GUI will open. Put items inside and close it.
Or you can create a physical mailbox and let every player who passes by send you items.
Custom items are supported aswell. Why don't you give it a try?
Dev builds: CLICK HERE
Translations available:
Portuguese (BR)
Relevant commands:
- /itemmail list - Lookup for new/pending mailboxes.
- /itemmail open <mailbox id> - Open a new/pending mailbox.
- /itemmail delete <mailbox id> - Delete a pending mailbox.
- /mailitem <player> [label] - Create a new mailbox where you can send items to a specific player.
- /itemmailadmin list <player> - Lookup for opened mailboxes.
- /itemmailadmin recover <mailbox id> - Recover lost items of opened mailboxes.
- ltitemmail.player - Allow /itemmail command.
- ltitemmail.player.version - Allow /itemmail version command.
- ltitemmail.player.list - Allow /itemmail list command.
- - Allow /itemmail open command.
- ltitemmail.player.delete - Allow /itemmail delete command.
- ltitemmail.player.send - Allow /mailitem command.
- ltitemmail.player.notify - Allow players to be notified if there is new mailboxes when joining the server (Permission ltitemmail.player.list required).
- - Allow placing physical mailboxes.
- ltitemmail.block.use - Allow use of physical mailboxes.
- ltitemmail.block.break - Allow breaking physical mailboxes.
- ltitemmail.block.break-bypass - Bypass mailbox ownership allowing to break every physical mailbox.
- ltitemmail.admin - Allow /itemmailadmin command.
- ltitemmail.admin.update - Allow /itemmailadmin update command.
- ltitemmail.admin.list - Allow /itemmailadmin list command.
- ltitemmail.admin.recover - Allow /itemmailadmin recover command.
- ltitemmail.admin.notify - Allow admins to be notified if there is new updates available when joining the server (Permission ltitemmail.admin.update required).
Physical mailbox recipe:
Vault Compatibility:
If you are using Vault + an Economy plugin, you can set mail costs in config.yml.