ProtectionStones [Updated for 1.20.6+] icon

ProtectionStones [Updated for 1.20.6+] -----

The easiest grief prevention method that players will enjoy!

2.4.0 - Added ability to merge regions + /ps view particles

This was probably one of the most complex features I've added to the plugin...

Introducing region merging!
Players can now merge regions using either /ps merge while in a region, or once you place down a protection block that overlaps an existing region you own. Players will need the permission protectionstones.merge to be able to use it. Merged regions are in fact one region, meaning that flags, members, owners and other settings will be shared across the region. When you break a protection block in a merged region, it will unmerge the region using the protection block as if the block was never part of the original region.

Merging can be disabled in the config if you wish, since there may be performance hits when unmerging very large and complex regions. Other than that, performance is fairly optimal.

/ps view particles!
Since regions are now much more complex to showcase, I've switched over /ps view to particles since they are less laggy to render for the client, and work much better for visualizing complex borders. They also now show where the protection block is.

State of the project
I'm going to be gone for ~2 weeks, so I'll maybe be able to do maintenance and help with issues but there won't be any feature development for the time being.

Thank you!
Be sure to report issues you have to either GitHub or the discussion page!
----------, Aug 22, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 323,456
First Release: Oct 22, 2018
Last Update: Jul 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
162 ratings
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