IMPORTANT 1. There have been a lot of changes to the configs, old config is not compatible with the newer versions, please use the new config 2. "Custom currency" repair function will be temporarily removed in v6.0 but will be readded in v6.1!
Code (YAML):
check-update: true
Prefix: '&6&l
] '
Gui-Name: '&cRepair Gui'
command: true
# "/repair" to open Repair GUI anvil: true
# open Repair GUI on anvil
#Player are only allowed to open the "RepaiGui" if only the anvil was placed by an admin. Only-Admin-Anvil: true
# Note: placeholder for showing custom cost. [repairgui_custom_<name>] # Example "repairgui_custom_tokenmanager", "repairgui_custom_GemsEconomy" # Placeholder for custom cost: # %player_name% : output player's name # %cost% : output total repair cost custom:
enable: false
# This feature required PlaceholderAPI cost:
name: TokenManager
type: '
%tm_token%' #put the placeholder that show player's balance cost: '
} / 2'
command: 'tokenmanager remove
%player_name% %cost%' # Doesn't need to put "/" 2:
name: GemsEconomy
type: '
%gemseconomy_balance%' cost: '
} / 100'
command: 'geco take
%player_name% %cost%'
enable: true
Not-Enough-Money: '&cYou don''t have enough money to repair this item!'
Not-Enough-Level: '&cYou don''t have enough level to repair this item!'
No-Permission: '&cYou don''t have permission to do this!'