New wiki page: We have a new wiki page, for further information about the plugin, check it out here: (You can edit or add new things if you want!)
[+] Added two new command: /tot join, /tot leave. With these commands (you need to enable them in the config.yml) you can join / leave the TrickOrTreat event. While joining you will get the gameitem and a leave item, to leave the event. Meanwhile your old inventory will be stored. When you leave the TrickOrTreat event you will get the inventory back
[+] Added a new message, a new item and a new boolean in the config (See config changes)
[+] Added new mass creation mode in the Setup menu. With this mode you just need to right-click the door and the door will be added to the file system. With a left-click you can remove the door
[-] Removed entity location
[-] Removed Bug where players cant right-click the gameitem
[-] Removed Bug on first plugin startup, where the Update 0.3 threw an error
Config changes:
Add following lines into your config.yml:
Code (YAML):
# You can decide if your players can use /tot join or /tot leave. # When they type in /tot join, their inventory will be saved # And they get the game item and a leave item # If they leave the event with the item or /tot leave, they will get # their inventory back use_cach_inventorys: false
Add following lines into your messages.yml:
Code (YAML):
you_already_joined_the_event: "&cYou already joined the event. Use &6/tot leave &cto leave the event!"
Add following lines into your items.yml:
Code (YAML):
# Item to leave the event after joining it Leave_item: "&c&oLeave event!SLIME_BALL!0!&c&oLeave the event"