Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! FREE VERSION icon

Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! FREE VERSION -----

A competitive collectible card game like no other!

WARNING: This version is fairly untested! Do to the amount of cards added and new mechanics im certain there is many more bugs that have not been caught during my testing! Please report any bugs you find!

+ New Set, Merchants & Allies! Includes 50 new cards for premium!
+ Updated to 1.19.2
+ New keyword Ally
+ New keyword Merchant
+ You can search a set name in the search by text field to filter cards by Set.
+ When a player has debug mode enabled with an OP in the game start timer is reduced to 3 seconds.
+ Minions now *rise* from underneath the ground when spawned from normal summons.
+ Minions will not suffocate when *rising*
+ New API event, MHGameSecondEvent, this fires for every game every second, it returns the game object MHGame related to the tick.

+ Return button for admin panel now works properly.
+ Rigged keyword added to Erosion, Redstone veins & Rift portal. (Was working just not showing on cards)
+ Block hps now apply for supplied start.
+ Commands ran from on win or on lose are not sent from the console, this was an over site sorry!
+ Resources gathered changed to Ores gathered at the win screen tags.
+ Husks! Now works as intended.

Balance Changes
+ Chest items are now dropped when broken.
+ Furnace items are now dropped when broken.

+ Minions pathiing has been updated, minions have their pathing done evenly over a second rather then randomly. This should result in a smoother performence.
+ Siege Minions now have their movement delayed over the second as well. This could prevent alot of tps in late games with a lot of minions.

Known Issues
+ Middle clicking is still not working thanks 1.18!
+ This version will only work with Version 1.19.2 (Backwards combatability is disabled)
+ Bosses will not play Merchant and Ally cards, they have been disabled for bosses for now.

Its been a minute since we've had any updates, but this is a big one! The first expansion! Granted, this is and early release, so its not going to be perfect nor balanced! The base set took over 4 years to get to a fairly
balanced state were decks and archtypes are so close in performence that there is no obvious outliers in balance anymore. With this being said, there are 50 new cards being brought to the table! Merchants! These cards let you summon a merchant for a short time that you can trade with. They can trade items and even cards. Then we have Allies! These cards are friends that you can summon onto the battlefield to protect you and your base! They can also do cool things like gather resources for you!
There will be alot of patches coming out soon to balance things out and some other features will be getting some long overdue love like spectating. But for now this is a nice early release for everyone to check out! Thanks for your patience! Happy summoning!
----------, Oct 26, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 5,613
First Release: Oct 4, 2018
Last Update: Feb 6, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings