Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! FREE VERSION icon

Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! FREE VERSION -----

A competitive collectible card game like no other!


+ Updated to 1.16.2!
+ New Main Menu for everything! No need for commands! (Working on fully implementing but mostly in!)
+ New filter! Hide Unused Cards (In Deck) - this has been requested for awhile! It only shows cards in the view that are in your deck!
+ The collection view now has a new icon called Deck Info! This icon will help you get a better understanding of your deck! It shows information like average mana cost, deck consistency and your opening hands mana per card.
+ New debug command, mh game skiptimer, this sets the round timer to 3 seconds left. Useful for debug testing!
+ New debug command, mh game resources, open a basic menu that shows information on the game the admin is in, like resources available in nodes.
+ Spectators can now see information on players nodes, like how many have been spawned so far, and how many of each resource is available like ores and cobblestone.

Balance Changes

+ Feral Undead is now quite a bit faster, the first feral undead was giving a big buff and the rest were weak, now they all provide a conistent buff
however the first card is now weaker then before but is better after the second is played!
+ Husk changed to "Husks!", it is now EPIC and now cost 5 mana instead of 2! It now spawns 3 husks each wave!
+ Starve now removes an additonal ham when played, bringing it to a total of 3 hams or 6 hunger when played.
+ Rift surge mana changed from 3 to 2.
+ Brutality mana changed from 5 to 4.
+ Strength's damage reduction raised from 20% to 30%, makingt he total damage reduction now 60% instead of 40%.
+ Maggot's now stack, this increases the minimum spawn of silverfish when stacked and max, it also increases the chance of maggots proking!
+ Chicken changed to Chickens? it now spawns 1-3 chickens each wave and now costs 3 mana instead of 1.
+ Coal Veins now cost 1 mana, it also now spawns coal blocks!
+ Redstone veins and Lapis Veins now cost 1 mana.
+ Diamond Veins cost 4 mana now.
+ Loot Crate now costs 1 mana.
+ Power Draw now cost 1 mana.
+ Minion Rush now cost 2 mana instead of 3.
+ Rift Plague mana cost is now 2 instead of 3.
+ Rising Dead now cost 5 instead of 6.
+ Zombie Juggernaut now cost 2 mana instead of 3.
+ Skeleton King now cost 5 mana to play instead of 4.
+ Skeleton Kings speed is now halfed, however this will keep him closer to other minions.
+ Skeelton King now reduced minions nearby damage by 40% instead of 20%
+ Grim Reaper is now MUCH slower. He will proc on more minions now as a result and now has a slightly further revive range.
+ A Game of Hunger now cost 1 mana to play.
+ Bewitch now cost 3 instead of 4.
+ Winter Is Here, mana reduced from 10 to 8.
+ Demolition changed from 5 mana to 3, it also plays an explosion sound effect now as well.
+ Siege Master minion cost changed from 7 to 8.
+ Siege Engine went from 6 mana to 9 mana.
+ Siege Engine's extra armor removed.
+ Siege Engine's range tripled, however it can now only hit up to 4 blocks per hit.
+ Siege Engine now damages itself when attacking, however the damage is based on how many blocks it damages.
+ Demonic Swine's Mana reduced from 5 to 3.
+ Sharpen Blades Mana cost doubled from 3 to 6.
+ Corpse Climb now stacks, at 1 stack it now has a small chance to drop flesh or a bone, flint is no longer dropped but will return at a later time.
+ Corpse Climb at 2-3 stacks now has the chance to spawn maggots when broken. At 4 stacks it could reanimate the corpse summoning a zombie at that location.
+ Blizzard now gives melee skeletons a chance to apply slow.
+ Lightning Strike will no longer strike the edge of the build zone.
+ Tool Cache changed from RARE to EPIC.
+ Tool Cache now is drawn at the start of the game on top of your opening hand.
+ Zed slayer changed! It is now Monster Slayer! Instead of killing 15 Zombies you now need to kill 15 Minions to draw 2 cards!
+ Spiders! Changed from spawning 4 spiders to 3.
+ Brood Mother rarity changed from COMMON to EPIC.
+ Tarantula mana increased from 3 mana to 4.
+ Trap door spider range from 10 blocks to 4 blocks instead.
+ Deathweb now has a lower chance to fire per block changed from 50% to 18%, and now stacks. (Epic so max is 36% per block if both played)
+ Orb Weavers mana cost changed from 3 to 5.
+ Orb Weavers chance to create webs reduced from 10% to 8%. Effect still stacks, at max thats 40% to 32% chance.
+ Webs now breaks 0.5 seconds to 2 seconds after being stuck in them, the sweeping edge sound effect will play when this occurs.


+ All nodes can be fully gathered now, however there is no longer STONE used in the node itself, this will make them stand out more and reduce confusion.
+ Stacked deck's list is now randomized so you no longer can tell the order of your deck.
+ Vivid nightmare is now removed at the round start rather then after the minion wave is spawned. This will probably apply to all wave cards similiar to this later.
+ Fatigue now reduces your heat, hunger and health this effect also stacks over time until you can draw a card. (Currently no way to add cards to your deck though)
+ You no longer lose 1 heat over three seconds.
+ Now your heat loss stacks for every second spent in the cold the first tick does not lose any heat.
+ Example: After three ticks in the cold or 9 seconds you will be losing 2 heat per tick. Then the next 3 seconds increases it to 3. Rip running meta.
+ All light sources return 5 heat, however lanterns will increase your heat gen to 8 if you are within 4 blocks of it. Torches use to give 6 heat before.
+ Diorite, Granite and Andesite now have 3 HP, so you can now get some value from mining a full node :)
+ You no longer use the word clear to clear your filters instead its now "reset" to help admins not wipe their inventories lol. (me)
+ Using /mh now opens the main menu.
+ Using /mh help will now show the old help menu, however the plugins direction is to remove the need for commands.
+ Matchmaking icon in the collection view is now replaced with a return arrow to the main menu.
+ Return arrow in the match making view now returns you to the main menu.
+ Corruption spread will favor spreading towards the opponents build area sooner.
+ Blockdata should now be persistent, things like logs rotation for example should now be maintained, however this needs further testing and is probably not perfect yet.
+ Minions now spawn on a queue system, this allows admins to set how many minions can be on each players map at any given time.
+ New config option "Max Minions Per Player", this controls how many minions are on each players map, minions that cannot spawn because there is to many
will now spawn throughout the wave as other minions are killed. This is a huge performence update. By defualt this amount is 50.
+ Minions can now attack trap doors 1 extra block beneath them to help counter them.


+ Invasive portal now matches the description.
+ Black widow should now killed its target instead of only doing 7 damage.
+ Extinction now floors its math instead of ceiling the values of animals, this would result in 100% spawns for some passive mobs.
+ Supply signal should work better now, it will adjust the power of the firework now so it doesnt go to high and make it not visible and it wont get stuck in objects anymore.
+ Iron door HP changed to 10, as the block as a whole does not take damage its the individual block.
+ Feral Undead can now be drawn by Loot Corpse and is now Considered a Zombie card (even though it can apply to skeletons and piglins)
+ Lobby message looks a bit cleaner now :)
+ Decks no longer get deleted when leaving the server during the middle of a game or spectating a game. This was a major issue im happy is fixed now!
+ Deprecation fixes for baby zombies and passengers.
+ Vivid nightmare fixed again, i finally came up with a solid solution to this card mechanically. It should be out of future patch notes now lol.
+ Multicard draw cards like Spider Eggs have been fixed and will no longer burn your entire deck when you don't have space for one of the cards drawn.

I've been dormant for a bit! However I have a very very good update for everyone here! After the M&H tournament I hosted i learned quite a lot. I learned that spiders were broken balance wise, and i learned that there was a running meta to the game that went against the spirit of the game. So I SMASHED both problems. Spiders are supposed to be stronger mid to late game. But they were strong all of the time. In contrast zombies are a late game deck and skeletons are a early to late game deck. The scaling of each tribe is different based on their cards to give you an idea of my original thoughts behind these decks and why i balance them the way i do. One of my other big focuses was making cards that aren't being used very much a more viable option, i don't believe there should be useless cards in the game, unlike other card games. So PLEASE read the card changes! There is so very many!

The heat mechanic has been drastically changed, you now lose heat faster the longer your out of your build area, this prevents the running meta and encourages the spirit of the game, build a base and survive in it. Or die trying. In the tournament we had 100's of mobs chasing one player. They could just run and run. Which really defeated the purpose of what heat was trying to do! Keep players in their build area. As a result players will find it much more difficult to stay out of their base area for to long. And Lanterns were added! They heat you up super fast when close to them so take advantage of them!
----------, Aug 25, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 5,613
First Release: Oct 4, 2018
Last Update: Feb 6, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
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