+ UIText.yml added for translations! Please give me some time to find missing translations, do not submit them as bugs yet if im missing some areas!
+ Messages.yml has been moved the the server data folder inside the plugin!
+ Changed icon of return arrow in filters menu to spectral like the rest.
+ Filters screen was given a bit of an update to match the rest of the UI scheme!
+ Versions before 1.16 were fixed with errors due to EntityTypes being different for pigmen / piglins.
+ Matchmaking icon and Casual Match clicking makes sounds again when clicked
+ Return arrow for casual match makes sound again when clicked
I just wanted to fix up some small things and work on getting started with new translation text files! Please be patient as I will try to get as many translations in the upcoming updates, it just takes some time and is a bit mind numbing to be honest haha. Hopefully next update ill have some bigger changes!