Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! FREE VERSION icon

Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! FREE VERSION -----

A competitive collectible card game like no other!

New Commands, Auto tab and bug fixes!
This update largely fixes some issues that have been reported to me the past couple of days! I also added in some suggestions that have been frequently requested like being able to add cards to your collection at any inventory rather then just yours. So you can open packs and pop those cards right into your collection now! :) Please keep reporting issues and bugs! M&H is getting cleaner every day! :)

- Fixed and issue with chunk unloading that occured when the server had unfinished maps on it.
- Added an alias of /mh quit, you can also use /mh leave for the same result.
- Fixed an issue where sometime players could no leave the game safely, causing their deck to not be returned in some cases.
- A players deck is always removed first before running cleanup. This should help future bugs from not returning your deck.
- Ongoing games will no longer count as won if the server shuts down mid game.
- Fixed an issue where active games on disable would not cleanup in some cases.
- You can now add cards to your collection in any inventory now and not your own.
- New permission mh.admin, this will allow none OP users to use admin commands.
- Added a new command /mh reload, this command reloads the configuration.
- Added a new coommand /mh returndeck, this command will return your deck to you so long as your not in a game.
- Added basic tab completion. This should allow you to see all the commands while using /mh
----------, Apr 18, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 5,613
First Release: Oct 4, 2018
Last Update: Feb 6, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings