Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! FREE VERSION icon

Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! FREE VERSION -----

A competitive collectible card game like no other!

BIG UPDATE! Balance changes, fixes and more!
I have been playing a lot myself lately so ive been working on a lot of things i thought needed attention!

One major thing i've worked on this update is making sure that mobs dont give you useful things all the time, like bones and weapons and armor. Another thing is i decided to balance a few cards that were either to strong or to weak. I also took the time to revisit and fix some old mechanics so now we should see better node placement, passive mobs and ores wont be at the edge of the map anymore and balance changes to block hp. Overall i think this update is GREAT for the games the health and is really starting to become polished and working so much better than its first release.

Corruption is an underdog mechanic that ive recently renovated. If you use Rift-Plague, you will notice that your rifts are spreading FAST and even normal rifts now spread corruption faster. Right now corruption doesn't to alot, besides spawn your mobs and other things like deny passive spawns if they try to spawn on it. Later on it will do other things like buff your minions on it, hurt players walking on it etc.

All in all this is a very large update! Expect some more changes in the coming days!

1. Fixed Grim reaper from reviving itself.
2. Changed block HP for leaves, wool, wooden slabs, and gravel to 1
3. Skeletons now have leather helmets to make sure they keep pathing properly.
4. Your deck is only returned to you if you leave the server or the server is reloaded.
5. Your deck is correctly given to you now rather then duping an exsisting deck in your inventory.
6. Nodes can no longer spawn in the center of trees.
7. Nodes, passives mobs and other random map locations will now be pruned 20 blocks away from the border
this results in everything not spawning close to the border and keeps everything closer to the actual game area itself.
8. Death messages added, they might not perfect quite yet!
9. Nodes consumed by corruption should now properly reset.
10. Armor & Swords can no longer be dropped from mobs.
11. Bones & Iron ingots have a 20% chance to drop like rotten flesh.
12. Witch poison length reduce from 40 seconds to around 12 seconds, however it can be less if your not near the center.
13. Major netherrack fix, and reset block fix, this has been a lingering issue that I believe is completely fixed after several tests.
14. Major optimization to Corruption spreading, saving quite a bit of processing power.
15. Skelemancy mana cost changed from 3 to 2, most of the skeleton cards cost a lot, so this should be cheaper, since you normally cant play more then two early on anyways.
16. Orb weavers chance reduce from 25% to 18%
17. Orb weavers can now stack up to 4 times. (18/36/64/72)
18. Venom Strike mana cost changed from 2 to 4, these little guys were VERY hard to hit and the poison makes them good, even for 4 mana.
19. Meteor Storm blaze chance to spawn on impact changed from 33% to 66%.
20. Meteor Storm mana cost changed from 7 to 6.
21. Swine rarity changed to from Rare to Epic. Swine is very strong, but mostly because the amount you can play.
22. Trap door spider now spawns in the build area rather then a random map area.
23. Trap door spider has heavy armor, higher damage and is faster now.
24. All minions should be a bit more aggresive as a hole towards players.
25. Maps are now given some time to reset, on average it takes about 5 seconds for a long game to reset.
26. Corruption spreads faster now!
27. Node generation has been made a bit more forgiving, resulting in larger nodes.
28. Corruption now favors spreading towards the spawn.
----------, Feb 26, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 5,642
First Release: Oct 4, 2018
Last Update: Feb 6, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
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