Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! FREE VERSION icon

Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! FREE VERSION -----

A competitive collectible card game like no other!

2 New Cards! Bug Fixes! New Command!
I focused a lot this update on balancing the skeletons further, they were not working in a lot of areas and this should make them viable and great! Now that they are set in stone I will be working on the next batch of cards soon! I also took the time to buff loot crates by adding in some support cards for them! :)

1. Fixed supply drops from not spawning.
2. Skeletons are no longer stuck in place.
3. Grim reaper will fixed and will now spawn.
4. Reanimation can now stack up to 2 times.
5. 2 New cards, Supply Signal & Supply Documents!
- Supply Signal (2) Your air drops will now shoot fire works! - Common
- Supply Documents (2) Your air drops will now display their cordinates! - Epic
6. King's loot will not always display its cordinates.
7. Skeleton's Key will now resolve correctly (It will work)
8. Passive mobs should no longer spawn and suffocate to death
9. Divine Divination & Divine Prophecy fixed!
10. You can now set if a map is ranked or not in the map editor!
11. Quitting a game should now work properly all the time.
12. Added in a default /mh command that will now display all commands! :)
13. Skeleton Army mobs are now minions instead of map mobs.
14. Deathweb will no longer replace placed blocks.
----------, Feb 25, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 5,642
First Release: Oct 4, 2018
Last Update: Feb 6, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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