Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! icon

Minions & Hunger - A collectible competitive card game! -----

A collectible competitive card game like no other!

Wrath of Corruption!
Known Issues
+ Middle clicking is still not working thanks 1.18!

+ Rifts now have a visual particle effect! (Particles must be enabled to see it)
+ Rifts now play some creepy sounds as you get close to it.
+ Corruption now spawns particles around it.
+ Standing on corruption will play some creepy sounds.
+ Corruption can now spawn Corruption Beasts. These are mobs spawn from the corruption itself. The larger the corruption has grown the more likely a beast can spawn. These beast will also be stronger the larger the corruption is. The attributes the beast is given is random, so the beast could spawn with extra knockback, more hp, or more armor. These beasts do not actively hunt down players though. They act exactly like the Wither Skeleton from Monster Hunt, where the mobs will behave like normal vanilla hostile mobs. These mobs also wont attack buildings. But these mobs can become very very strong. 1 can spawn every 45 seconds at a percent of 1% per 200 blocks of corruption. Here is some timings from a game to give you an idea of how quickly corruption grows right now. Each round the corruption spreads about 600 blocks. Keep in mind there is other cards that can be used to increase this. By round ten your looking at 6000 blocks corrupted. A corruption beast will run the chances of a spawn every 45 seconds. So this means its possible for the corruption to summon almost 3 beasts per wave.
+ Opening a rift will now have a chance to create a few Corruption Beasts around it.
+ Rift Plague will now additionally increase the chance of a Corruption Beast spawning.
+ Corruption now has a chance to convert to soul sand, soul soil and magma blocks when fully corrupted. (No other possible blocks are near it to corrupt)
+ Walking on corruption has a 5% chance to consume hunger while in it. So getting out of it quickly is key.
+ When a passive mob fails to spawn due to corruption, it turns into a Corruption Beast instead.

+ Siege Engine no longer AOE attacks every second.
+ Witch Terror was stealing the lowest card rather then the highest this has been fixed!
+ Fatigue mechanic is now working properly.
+ Sacrifice and Bewitch should no longer be glowing in hand when its not considered played if played.
+ When placing two lanterns down they should now work properly. Before only one could be placed.
+ Dealer Dan should no longer despawn when his chunk unloads.
+ Removing all cards from your deck should no longer sound horrible using the remove all key.
+ Middle Click for removing all cards from deck was changed to work with Middle Click being changed to Shift Left Click, by default this will be set to false. Due to 1.18 removing the packet being sent unless the client is holding an item when middle clicking.

Balance Changes
+ Siege Engines attack cooldown is now 8 seconds instead of 4.
+ Skeleton Army mana changed from 8 to 10
+ Skeleton Army changed to legendary.
+ Lanterns now have 4HP.
+ Poison length for Witches slightly increased.

+ Hunger now goes down by 2+(Current Round/3) So by round 9 players will be losing 5 hunger rather then 2.
+ Heat will now additionally go down every 3 seconds by (Current Round / 5), so starting round 5 your heat will go down 1 per second. This is on top of the normal exponential system.

This update is pretty big actually. First the small stuff, the game is being heaily pushed into a *base meta* so building a base becomes more and more needed for survival. I don't want it to be round 16 and players are running circles around the minions. This was addressed with a bug fix for fatigue, and also with the additional changes to heat decay and hunger loss being higher at the start of each round. There was also some balance changes of course. Now for the big stuff!
The corruption has had alot of love this update, I wanted the corruption to feel like a bigger impact on the overall gameplay. I think this update achieves that greatly now and it does change the gameplay alot. I think this update is probably one of the biggest changes to the games meta without adding new cards to it. I cannot wait to see what decks people come up with now and how their gameplay will change. The passed few updates have really been trying to hone in on balancing the game and really bringing my vision to reality. There is some more fixes and small changes coming but I don't think we will see any large changes from here on out. With that said 4.0 will release with the new set Merchents & Allies! You can expect this expansion to be released early february!
----------, Jan 5, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 42
First Release: Oct 6, 2018
Last Update: Feb 6, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
10 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings