Portable Crafting Inventories icon

Portable Crafting Inventories -----

Open crafting inventories on the go.

1.3.0; Time to get Smeltin'
I have forgotten to put the new permissions inside of the plugin.yml; this means the permissions will be added to players by default when opped. If this is not something you want please use your permission plugin to disable the permissions from the users. This will be resolved in the next update, which should come in a few days.

ATTENTION » This update does include additions to the settings.yml and the messages.yml; if you wish to keep comments in your files please back-up your files before updating.

Hey hey! It's the update you've been waiting for! I deeply apologize for taking so long on this update, hopefully the next ones won't take quite as long!

If you experience any issues PLEASE, PLEASE report them on Github. ( https://github.com/ItsSchatten/PortableCraftingInvs/issues)

ADD » Finally adds support for furnaces! (woo)
NOTE » Because I wanted to release this update as quickly as I could because I know a lot of the server owners that use this plugin have been waiting well over a month, if not two, for this update there is only one setting that controls all three furnace commands. Labeled as furnaces-enabled in the settings.yml
NOTE » To ensure that every player gets one furnace of each type, we've introduced a per player config file.

ADD » With new commands comes new permissions: pci.furnace, pci.furnace.other, pci.blast-furnace, pci.blast-furnace.other, pci.smoker, pci.smoker.other

ADD » 7 new messages (see below for their default values.)
CHANGE » Changed how the plugin handles the /smithing command, we now register it regardless of what version of Minecraft you are using and now send a message to the player that tried to use the command.

FIX » Smithing command permission being labeled as loom when running the command without permission.
FIX » Fixed links in files to point to Github instead of Bitbucket.
FIX » Plugin always saying there isn't an update available when there are in-fact updates available.

NOTE » Because of how the API the plugin's updater uses handles plugin updates, it may take longer for the plugin to stop showing those update messages.

Code (YAML):
# Enable or disable the use of /furnace, /blastfurnace, and /smoker
# ATTENTION: At this moment this is simply laziness, I will add other options to control all furnace command separately.
: true


Code (YAML):
# Sent when someone tries to open the smithing table in 1.15.
: "{prefix}&c You can't open the smithing table in 1.15"

# The message that is sent when opening the furnace.
: "{prefix} Opened your virtual furnace."

# The message that is sent when opening the furnace for someone else.
: "{prefix} Opened virtual furnace for {player}."

# The message that is sent when opening the blast furnace.
: "{prefix} Opened your virtual blast furnace."

# The message that is sent when opening the blast furnace for someone else.
: "{prefix} Opened virtual blast furnace for {player}."

# The message that is sent when opening the smoker.
: "{prefix} Opened your virtual smoker."

# The message that is sent when opening the smoker for someone else.
: "{prefix} Opened virtual smoker for {player}."

We now use an API called VirtualFurnace that allows us to make functional virtual furnaces. You can see the API here. This is MY fork of the API, to see main repo see: https://github.com/ShaneBeeStudios/VirtualFurnace
----------, Aug 23, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 9,581
First Release: Sep 23, 2018
Last Update: Dec 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
19 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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