Hello peeplolians!
I know its been a while but the brand new full recode of UltimateStatistics is now here!
Introducing UStats!
This BRAND NEW plugin has many improvements over its OG counterpart! Including full NATIVE Folia support, Asynchronous data handling, full customisation and way, way more!!
Please note:
The original configuration files for UltimateStatistics are NOT compatible with the new UStats, the actual local user statistic files are theoretically compatible, but NO support is given for this use case.
If you do encounter any bugs, please join our
Discord and open a
Support-Ticket and supply the requested information and we WILL do our best to solve your issue.
(Any bugs posted in the review section WILL be ignored!)
If you discover any other issues with the plugin, please do send me a
or leave a post on the forum with your issue and I'll try my best to assist you.
UStats Change-log:
- Updated GitHub repository.
- Final cleanup for full release.
- Improved performance of some methods.
- Refactored CooldownUtils to run Asynchronously.
- Refactored MovementListener to run Asynchronously.
- Initial commit.
- Added static code cleanup.
- Fixed null listener task.
- Fixed InventoryUtils.add method.
- Fixed LatencyManager.ping method.
- Fixed commands.yml values not initialising on startup.
- Fixed lookup command not working.
- Fixed command execution of stat values.
- Add UStats-API as a submodule.
- Added Multi Module maven project.
- Added new API project as submodule.
- Added ProGuard Obfuscation plugin.
- Added AdventureLibrary.
- Added support for MiniMessage formatting in all messages.
- Added support for 1.21.4.
- Added PAPI placeholders.
- Added new LookupPlayerListMenu for visual lookups.
- Added new API method UStatsAPI.getOfflinePlayersWithStats.
- Added new permission `ustats.gui.lookup.other`.
- Small PAPI fix.
- Changed plugin version to `1.0.0`.
UStats-API Change-log:
- Added new API method `translateColorCodes(String text)`.
- Added new API method `stripColorCodes(String text)`.
- Changed plugin API version to `1.0.0`.