SleepMost V5.2.0 - SuperVanish , Customizable clock, ...
Hello everyone
I hope you are all doing well. As you might have been aware, there were no updates for quite some time. This was related due to my recovery. I start feeling better and pain is fading away, that means, development is resumed!
Without further a do, here are the highlights for SleepMost V5.2.0!
Integrated with SuperVanish & PremiumVanish
When super vanish is installed, vanished players will no longer be required to sleep.
Integrated with afk functionality of Purpur
When using Purpur and the use-afk flag is enabled, afk players (serve feature) will no longer be considered required to sleep
Customization for the clock title
2 new messages have been added to the messages.yml.
clock.title, clock.subtitle. You can now fully customize that and use the %time% to display the time.
Bugs (fixed)
- when skipping storm during day-time and night cycle animation flag enabled, clock is showing
- errors when using NPC to register insomnia
We implemented a new mechanic to Hook into other plugins. Due to the architecture of the plugin and previous implementations, this will cause certain plugin specific flags (gsit) to be available by default. Please ignore those flags, an architectural refactor will be deployed in the future.
At last ...
Thank you for being a loyal user of SleepMost. Feel free to join our discord and discuss the new updates or submit a suggestion on the github and Happy Holidays from the Pseudonova team!
Kind regards