+ New Setting "auto refresh does slot clear" (if enabled, every refresh, the slots will be cleared (replaced by default item) then the actual listings will be placed.) -
+ Added unique button for actual back navigation (
+ Aesthetic fix for first page -> previous button showing after returning from 2nd page (
+ The admin clear command now clears the collection bin as well (
+ Added unique starting bid too high message (Relates to #54)
+ When Buyout is toggled, it resets price if bin is lower than starting. disabling buy now also hides the price adjustment for it. (
+ Fix issue with realistic bidding not using the bid increment properly (
https://github.com/kiranhart/Auction-House/issues/52), Also resolves (
https://github.com/kiranhart/Auction-House/issues/53 - Was not able to re-create after fixing #52)
+ Added a setting to disable the buy now/buy out in auction sell menu by default Closes (
https://github.com/kiranhart/Auction-House/issues/28 &
+Fixed bug where when cancelling a listing confirmation for bundled items, it now gives individual items from the bundle rather than the bundle itself.
+ Added config option to block items from sale if specific NBT tags were found on them (
That should be all the important changes/fixes.