Auction House - The Ultimate Auction House icon

Auction House - The Ultimate Auction House -----

The most feature packed, up to date auction plugin on Spigot.

Feature/Bug Fix Update
+ Fixed issue where the sell gui would not check if the item has been blocked/whitelisted, same goes for blocked item names and lores
+ Added an additional setting related to the realistic bidding option, if you enable "bid must be higher than previous" then they must place a bid higher than the previous, meaning the old functionality where if they bid say $100 and the current bid is $400, the bid will be set to $500 will no longer be used.
+ Added a setting regarding the bid confirmation menu, it can now update the current bid on the item live before you place the bid. (by default it updates every 1 second, and is enabled)
+ Changed the internal /ah status command to an actual auction statistic menu. You can also use /ah stats. Once you update, then stats will begin being tracked, meaning items listed before this update will not count towards the total listed number, same goes for money spent / earned.

----------, Sep 1, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,674
First Release: Sep 3, 2018
Last Update: Feb 13, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
83 ratings
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