Auction House - The Ultimate Auction House icon

Auction House - The Ultimate Auction House -----

The most feature packed, up to date auction plugin on Spigot.


+ Added the option to bid custom amounts on auction items (when clicking to bid on an item, it will open an entirely new menu now)
+ Made the item display lore dynamic. Meaning it only shows the information that is necessary, for example if an item has buy now disabled it will not display the old N/A buy now line.
+ The lore regarding the highest bidder will now show "No Bidder" (can be changed) if no one has bid on the item rather than showing the seller's name.
+ You are now told whether you can accept the current bid on an item from the active menu / cancel it
+ Moved all data from the data.yml to an sqlite database file.
+ You can move around the items on the bottom bar of the main auction menu (they can only be moved around on that bar, if you place them anywhere on the GUI items will not be rendered correctly)
+ You can also disable highlighted items as seen in the picture completely.
+ Added an option to make it so that you cannot claim individual items from the expiration menu (meaning that you must click the claim all button to receive your items)
+ Added the following placeholder API variables (name, active_auctions, expired_auctions, server_active_auctions), more placeholders and general string replacement support will come later.
+ Added MMOItem support for the discord webhook message, it will try and grab the NBT Tag from the item. So rather than displaying the item name, it will display the MMO Item Type.
+ You can now search directly with the main command. Example: /ah ItsMeKiran will show auctions by "ItsMeKiran", it acts exactly like /ah search <keyword>
+ Added the command /ah togglelistinfo which will toggle whether auction house tells you that you listed an item, by default it is true & is available without a permission node.
+ Added /ah migrate which will migrate auction item data.
+ Cleaned up some unnecessary code regarding the main auction menu
+ Auction Listings are done through a single API method now
+ Fixed a bug where you can use the number keys within the sell menu to cause an item duplication glitch.
+ Removed the /ah convert command

Major Changes
+ Completely changed how auction item data is stored, item data is no longer serialized but rather every detail needed about an auction item is stored as it's own column in the database (SQLite / MySQL)
+ Transactions are unfortunately going to be reset with this update as there were just too many changes regarding auction items / transactions to migrate them safely.
+ Auction time is now stored as unix time values, so rather than having the plugin update all item remaining time every second, it will just check if the current unix time is bigger or equal to the item's expiration time.

1. Completely stop / close your server before making these changes.
2. If using MySQL, make a backup of the following table "auctionhouse_items", if you aren't using MySQL, make a backup copy of the "data.yml" file
3. Delete the old AuctionHouse jar from your plugins folder
4. Copy the Auction House-2.25.0.jar into the plugins folder
5. Once you have your backups saved, and the jar is replaced, you can now start the server. (It is suggested that you start the server in whitelist mode)
6. Run /plugins and ensure that auction house loaded correctly, you can also run /ah, if the main menu opens up empty, continue.
7. Run the following command "/ah migrate" then read the message (it will tell you once more to ensure you've made a backup), to skip reading that message run "/ah migrate confirm"
8. Auction House will now attempt to convert all your old auction items into the new format, this could take some time depending on how many items you have stored. While the migration process is active, usage of the auction house will be completely disabled.
9. When auction house finishes the migration process, you will receive a message to let you know it was done successfully.
10. You can now run /ah and all your items should be in the menu. If they aren't reload the server.
----------, Aug 11, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,674
First Release: Sep 3, 2018
Last Update: Feb 13, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
83 ratings
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