Security Camera Plugin - CCTV [1.12.2 -> 1.21] icon

Security Camera Plugin - CCTV [1.12.2 -> 1.21] -----

The BEST surveillance camera plugin for YOUR server! Camera, Computer and more! ⭐FOR FREE⭐

CCTV update 8.5.2 - #59
- Added admin computers which has access to all cameras (/cctv computer get admin, requires permission)


- Fixed players not teleported back to their location when logging off in a camera
- Fixed camera placement incompatibility with protection plugins like WorldGuard
- Fixed anyone having access to a computer being able to remove cameras
- Fixed plugin not loading on 1.18.2

- Moved language file into its own folder. To change language, set lang: "<language here>" in your config.yml, if the translation doesn't exist, it will create a new file with the English translations (which means you'll need to translate the plugin yourself). Currently supported languages: en_US, ru_RU
----------, Aug 13, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 166,269
First Release: Aug 27, 2018
Last Update: Nov 17, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
79 ratings
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