Security Camera Plugin - CCTV [1.12.2 -> 1.21] icon

Security Camera Plugin - CCTV [1.12.2 -> 1.21] -----

The BEST surveillance camera plugin for YOUR server! Camera, Computer and more! ⭐FOR FREE⭐

CCTV - Update - 3.0
  1. The computer has been completely updated! Re-written GUI, and more options!
  2. Command has been completely re-written, for better and easier use!
  3. For Displaying the contents of a list, we now have a menu
  4. You can now Rename all CameraGroups and Cameras!
  5. Tabcompleter has been totally re-written, for finding any stuff can just be found using TAB
  1. Because of all the things we have re-written, there aren't any bugs & issues found
  2. We have de-bugged the whole /cctv command, and tried everything that non-experienced people can enter, and found no errors. If you have found any error, please report it to our bukkit or spigot page, so we can debug it in the next version!

The following word will have something to do with the next version (3.1)
  • Crafting
----------, Nov 2, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 166,269
First Release: Aug 27, 2018
Last Update: Nov 17, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
79 ratings
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