PyroMining [1.14.X - 1.21.X] [v4.0.0 Update! Artifacts, Fossils and Vessels!] icon

PyroMining [1.14.X - 1.21.X] [v4.0.0 Update! Artifacts, Fossils and Vessels!] -----

Want to enhance mining on your server with cool unique features? This is the plugin for you!

Additions, Fixes and 1.17 Stuff and Things!
Note: This update requires some of the config.yml to be replaced. You can either regenerate the entire file, or copy and paste the following over the existing last two sections in the config.

New config settings for 4.2.6.

Only the bottom two sections have been redone, so it should be a simple copy and paste for this one.



- Added the ability to customise the blocks and the amount of zeta and plugin xp each block gives in the config.
- Added a new option that forcefully disables iron and gold ores on 1.16 regardless of config setting. This is to prevent exploits. (Advised to leave this as default).
- Added the ability to charge uncharged oracleite on deepslate diamond ores.
- Added various new settings internally that will automatically check for deepslate ores.
- Added the ability for iron and gold ores to drop artifacts on 1.17.
- Added some missing tab completion to admin commands. (addxp and addzeta).
- Added in some missing translation. (More will be added next update!)

General Changes:

- Moved the randomisers to the local thread randomizer to improve performance.
- Made lots of internal changes and refactors.
- Made various performance improvements across the board on various listeners.
- Oracle cooldowns are now reset when reloading the plugin.
- Fixed a small duplication glitch.
- Fixed an issue where the Zeta values were used for the mining xp instead of the intended values.
- Fixed an issue where fluxes could not drop from non-ore blocks.
- Fixed an issue with Valakas where it could trigger on silktouching ores.
- Fixed an issue where normal players could see tab completion for admin commands.
- Fixed an issue where all plugin entities could mount other entities making them easy to farm and kill.
- Fixed an issue where the $ on the Flux Lore was not translatable.
----------, Aug 14, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 703
First Release: Aug 24, 2018
Last Update: Aug 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
30 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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