Important notes: - I'm still adding translation for the Artifacts. This will come across multiple updates as there is quite a lot to add, however there has been over 100 new messages added to the messages.yml for additional translation into your language. Please do not ask about translation.
- I haven't had loads of time to fully test everything, if anything is broken, please report it to me ASAP.
Additions: - Added the ability to translate the shop prices in the /mine shop
- Added the ability to translate the entire Vessel GUI.
- Added the ability to translate most of the Artifact GUI. There's still some missing but I'll get to that eventually.
- Added 30 - 40 other misc messages that weren't in the messages.yml to the messages.yml for translation.
- Added the other players stats as placeholders. (View spigot page for full list)
- Added the other player stats into the stat manager to improve performance.
- Added a messages.yml patcher to automatically update and upgrade the messages.yml.
- Added the ability when removing Vessels to give them back in a completed state so they can be added back instantly.
- Added new items to the Artifact Drop Table.
- Added the new Singularity Rune System.
- Added 5 new abilities you can level up inside of your Singularity.
- Added the 5 new ability effects to the respective areas.
- Added the ability to translate the entire Singularity GUI including the upgrade names.
- Added functionality to load new data without pre-saving it to clear up some additional TPS issues.
- Added the ability to spawn in runes using "/mine give rune:<name>"
- Added fossils to the messages.yml
- Added new attacks, abilities, particles and stuff to Oracles and removed a bunch of their old attacks and stuff. I didn't log all the changes I made as there is a lot that has changed with them.
- Added Bone Marrow to Radalite (Lets you duplicate fossils)
- Added Fossil Transmuter to Impulse. This lets you transmute 3 of the exact same fossil piece into another fossil piece of the same type.
- Added tons of random mining drops to Impulse & Radalite.
- Added a few new sound effects to the Oracles. These will be revamped and changed slightly in the 4.2 Oracle Update.
General Changes: - Made optimisations to some event handlers to improve performance.
- Changed Xostrans buff to 7% per level instead of 1% flat per level.
- Removed a bunch of unused player data options which were taking up space and doing nothing.
- Removed the block mined stat as it bwas broken.
- Reformatted some of the default messages.yml to look better and keep the blue theme.
- Removed skill points internally and from the main menu.
- Cleaned up some console logging messages.
- Removed over 300 lines of unused messages from the default messages.yml
- Removed the Arcane listener which was causing some TPS issues.
- Removed Gravel and Stone from the Artifact drop tables.
- Removed the old Singularity code which was never used.
- Rebalanced the default config.yml
- Removed Arcane configuration options from the config as they were removed a long time ago.
- Heavily buffed Artifact drop tables.
- Buffed Nefaris Shadows max level from 15% to 40% bonus chance.
- Buffed Nefaris Shadows to give 4.5% bonus chance per level instead of 1%
- Buffed Necros Realm max bonus effect to give 50% reduced thrall cooldown instead of 35%.
- Neptulus Wave now requires level 5 and 50,000 less Zeta to make.
- Archaelogist Max level increased from 5 to 10 and the Zeta Cost was halfed from 200,000 to 100,000
- Buffed max chance to get a fossil from Basic, Unusual, Epic and Exceptional Artifacts by 10% flat.
- Nerfed max fossil chance from Legendary Artifacts by 5%.
- Buffed minimum fossil chance from Divine, Celestial, Mythic and Fabled from 40% to 50% and increased the bonuses they get.
- Changed the calculation on fossil chances from Divine, Celestial, Mythic and Fabled to favour higher chances.
- Increased the amount of items Artifact drop tables can have by 40% across the board.
- Buffed Skylark's Dream by 5x. It will now give 2.2x sell value at max level at an increment of 20% per level.
- Rebuilt the internal structure to avoid conflicts with Fishing and other resources of mine.
- Removed the auto-save feature for player data as it was apparently causing TPS issues.
- Rune Guardians are now immune to projectiles.
Fixes: - Fixed being able to use Shattered Requium orbs to craft shulker boxes.
- Fixed getting a lot of XP from commands or in-game not calculating all of the mining levels automatically.
- Fixed Imperos Max Level Passive only working for Diamond Pickaxes.
- Fixed the Lightning Guardian never showing up when randomly spawning Rune Guardians
- Fixed a duplication exploit related to the mining shop.
- Fixed some GUIs using old methods that allowed for certain exploits to be abused.
- Fixed some internal messages.yml mistakes.
- Fixed an issue where certain vessels only worked on a Diamond Pickaxe.
- Fixed an internal error when trying to spawn in a specific item that no longer exists.
- Fixed Artifacts disappearing if your inventory is full and you try identify one.
- Fixed not being able to get Yud Bet from shattering orbs.
- Fixed the mine shop not formatting numbers to 2 decimal places.
- Fixed the Money Earned stat increaing by double of the value of Gemstones.
- Fixed the calculation for Nefaris being 1000% lower then it should be.
- Fixed the Rune Guardian cooldown being doubled what the config stated.
Config Rebalances:
- Reduced default fossil research time from 2 hours to 1 hour.
- Reduced default thrall health and damage by half.
- Increased thrall spawn rate from 4% to 6%
- Increased Requium gain from killing thralls slightly.
- Reduced default identify time by 33% for ALL tiers.
- Reduced default Cooldown time between summoning Rune Guardians from 100 seconds to 45 seconds.
- Reduced default Oracle summon cooldown from 2 hours to 1 hour.
- Reduced all Oracle Teleport chances to 10% from whatever values they were before.