This update has changes to the config.yml and messages.yml. It is advised to regenerate these but it is not mandatory - you may see issues using old files. Additions: - Added commands for "/mine fossils" for future updates
- Added commands for "/mine unknown" for future updates"
General Changes: - Removed 'The Unknown' due to people complaining about it.
- Refactored a bunch of listeners and classes together to improve performance.
- Buffed some of the Rune Guardian abilities.
- Fixed Lightning Guardians Lightning not doing damage.
- Changed loads of configuration options to better suit players needs.
- Buffed Radalite - Double Health but less damage.
- Buffed Impulse - Bigger AoE Range and starts his ending phase at 225 health.
- Radalite now takes 65% less damage in water and the AoE damage will deal physical damage if you are in water.