Curse of Contagion: Spreads curses to items in your inventory.
Detonator: Fires explosive projectiles. When one hits a creeper, it'll lower the detonation time.
Hollow Point: Projectiles hitting armored targets will do more damage. Does damage to Endermen and shielded Wither.
Overkill: Shoots rapid fire arrows on left clicking air.
Added ESCalculator:
View the enchantability values for enchantments or check values for your own modifications
Access using the /escalc command
Requires the 'enchantmentsolution.command.calculator' permission to use
Added custom events
Can now modify or cancel the activation of certain enchantments using events
See below for more details
Modified advancements
Added 6 new advancements for the new enchantments
Advancements are now displayed in five advancement tabs rather than one
Modified the parents and children of advancements
Added advancements.yml
All advancement configurations except language info is stored in this file
Added new configuration options:
Added enchantment_check for finding custom enchantments lost in other plugins and drop_items_naturally for dropping items from blocks like they do in Minecraft
Added wiki.on_login, wiki.on_timer, wiki.timer_seconds, and wiki.url for displaying outside information about Enchantment Solution
Significantly reduced the filesize of Enchantment Solution (by almost 1/3)
Modified the configuration files:
Removed enchantments_advanced.yml (caused too much confusion)
Removed enchanting_table.enchanting_type from config.yml
Added enchanting_table.custom_gui, grindstone.custom_gui, and anvil.custom_gui so server owners may pick and choose which ones they want
Added enchanting_table.level_fifty to use the level 50 system (having enchanting_table.level_fifty OR enchanting_table.custom_gui set to true will show the custom GUI)