#Added: cauldron mechanic to undye materials with various different configurations.
#Changed: updated commons code to v1.6.0+
#Changed: package structure to fit common java conventions.
#Changed: undying of materials with (by default) ICE is now disabled by default.
#Changed: the config option "neutral_material" was rearranged.
IMPORTANT: This update needs editing of the current config. So please remove "neutral_material" and add the following code to the bottom of the config file OR just move the file out of the plugin's folder in order to get recreated. You can always compare the config with the one on the plugin's main page.
Code (YAML):
# Options regarding undying. undye: # Options regarding undying by recipes. recipes: # The material in the middle to for example undye colored terracotta. For a list of all available materials please visit https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html but do NOT consider deprecated materials! neutral_material: ICE
# Which materials should be undyeable with the neutral_material? enable:
terracotta: false
glass: false
glass_pane: false
cauldron: # Which materials should be undyeable by throwing them into a cauldron? enable:
terracotta: true
glass: true
glass_pane: true
# check_empty checks the waterlevel of a cauldron. ## If set to 0: players will be able to undye items in any cauldron. ## If set to 1: players will be able to undye items in non empty cauldrons. ## If set to 2: players will be able to undye items in cauldron with higher or equal waterlevel than needed for one undying (change_waterlevel) check_empty: 1
# How much should the waterlevel get reduced if a player undyes items in the cauldron? (the amount of items is unnecessary) Note: A full cauldron has waterlevel 3. change_waterlevel: 1
# This is just for compatibility reasons with other plugins. If set to true other plugins will get notified (CauldronLevelChangeEvent) of waterlevel changes with unknown reason. call_event: false
Please note that the cauldron mechanic is as simple as it sounds. Just throw one of the enabled, !colored! items (terracotta, glass and glass_pane by default) into a cauldron and enjoy your uncolored items.
Best regards
@Minestick I am sorry this update took me such a long time. But it should all be working now.