Races of Thana has been updated to 1.16 and now supports 1.13-1.16!
All races are within their own file inside the new races folder.
Left- and right-clicking the racechanger both trigger the GUI (will only work if the NPC can be hit).
When the races folder is not present, it'll create default races. This could happen once you update the plugin but you can simply override them by converting the races from your
config.yml to seperate files in the
races folder.
Unset Player's Race
You can now unset (clear) a player's race by using
/races unset <player>.
The permission required to use this is
Sound Volume
The volume of the sounds races make
(hurt-sound & death-sound) can now be changed within the
config.yml file by modifying the
sound-volume value
(defaults to 0.5) which will be created on the bottom of your
config.yml file.
Values not in the range of 0.0 (0%) to 1.0 (100%) will be ignored.
2 new placeholders have been added
%racesofthana_onlinecount_racename%- %onlinecount_racename%
This will display the online members of the defined race
%racesofthana_totalcount_racename% - %totalcount_racename%
This will display the total members of the defined race
LoreAttributesRecoded & LuckPerms support has been added.
LoreAttributesRecoded will automatically respect each race's base health attribute if present.
(I'd highly suggest enabling the health attribute in the config if you plan on using both plugins.)
- When using
LuckPerms, permissions will now globally be set for the user. Negated permissions are supported and should work even better.
You can now disable race settings by simply leaving the configuration section out.
This will (in most cases) still generate the enabled setting (will then be set to false) may you want to easily enable it in the future.
For example, this will no longer throw errors:
Code (YAML):
: true
: false
As you can see,
potioneffects is left out; The players of this race will still receive the day and night effects however.
Water- & Lava Damage - Huge Improvements
Races can now be immune to lava and fire without the use of fire resistance. This also gets rid of the fire display on the character itself.
The configuration section with comments explains what each line does:
Code (YAML):
: true
# enable this module
: false
: true
# do we want to alter the way this race interacts with lava?
: true
# do we want the race to react to fire (and fire ticks) the same way as lava
: 2
: -1
# Setting damage to -1 makes this race immune to it
/races setspawn has been fixed. Would've thrown an error if no race provided, replaced with usage message.
/races setspawn now also save the yaw and pitch.
Citizens became a softdepend and will disable all NPC-related features (racechanger) if
Citizens is not found.
/races gui <player> works again.
- The pvp module (allies) work again.
- Fixed fly speed being 0.2 instead of 0.1.
API Changes
- RaceChangeEvent changes: now cancellable, extends
PlayerEvent instead of
Event, from is oldRace, to is newRace. getOldRace(), getNewRace(). getRaceHandler became getRaceManager.
Per race, the getters / setters changed into (old > new):
Code (Text):
rle > isRaceLocationEnabled
setRle > setRaceLocationEnabled
getRle > getRaceLocationEnabled
isW > isWaterDamageEnabled
isL > isLavaDamageEnabled
setW > setWaterDamageEnabled
setL > setLavaDamageEnabled
getWd > getWaterDamage
getLd > getLavaDamage
setWd > setWaterDamage
setLd > setLavaDamage