+ Config overhaul!(Please check the overview page and carefully read below!) + Upon making a mistake in config (mainly leaving out or inserting invalid values), the plugin will help you. May you accidentally remove a config-value, it'll set it back to the default value, rather than regenerating the entire configuration (resolved). + Spiced up durability / data in the GUI sections within the config. Nothing you'll notice, just made it work "better" + A LOT of tweaks regarding performance. The plugin should be more friendly towards your server now. + Multi-world support(EXPERIMENTAL!)
Configuration Changes: When converting from the old to new configuration file, I'd recommend comparing yours to the one below (can also be found on the overview page). Thanks to
@Xzerper, he has re-made the default GUI to make it look a bit nicer and give you a better view of what the plugin is capable of making with the GUI.
Besides the nicer GUI, the following things have changed:
base-health-enabled (boolean)
If you set it to true, it'll take base-health in account. If it's false, it'll simply ignore it and disable this feature.
commands, potions, damage
These are now sections, instead of having it all packed up into 1 list. This allows both you and me to have a better view of the configuration. These 3 are all toggle-able with their new "enabled" variable (under each).
commands handles the race-choose-commands, as well as the race-day- and night-commands.
potions handles the passives. The ones in general, day and night. It now also comes with a potion-bubbles boolean which you can obviously set to true / false. These will decide whether or not the potion-bubbles appear around the player (this also sets the potion-indicator in the bottom-right corner on or off)
damage handles the weaknesses of the race. Nothing else changes to this (besides the enabled variable of course)
"GLOWING" item-flag added. This'll make your item glow without showing any enchantments. (Adds unbreaking, hides enchantments. Works for the race token, gui items and race-related GUI-items. Keep in mind that none of the enchantments on this item will display once you use this item-flag!)
Enchantments added to the GUI items as well. Simply add item-enchantments to the GUI section (See config below. Example done in the items for races
Added race death-sounds (Defaults to player death, hurt-sound now defaults to player hurt). You guessed it, this sound will play once a player of a specific race dies
# --------------------------- # # Races of Thana // Thana # # --------------------------- # prefix: "&9Races of Thana&c: " enable-motd: true
race-gui-name: "&eSelect your race!" race-slots: 9
time-check-rate: 20
potion-effect-duration: 21
display-name: "&d&m---" material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
slot: 0
lore: -
"&eSelect your race!" item-flags: - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES
display-name: "&d&m---" material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
durability: 0
slot: 8
lore: -
"&eSelect your race!" item-flags: - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES
display-name: "&6Race Token" material: NETHER_STAR
durability: 0
lore: -
"&eGive this to the race npc" -
"&eto change your race!" item-flags: - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES
base-health: 20
race-choose-commands: - bc
%player_displayname% is now a(n) %player_race_displayname%! race-commands-day: - say It turned day
race-commands-night: - say It turned night
permissions: - race.permission
- -negated.permission
potioneffects: - INCREASE_DAMAGE:2
day-effects: - SPEED
night-effects: - SPEED
water-damage: true
lava-damage: true
water-damage-amount: 2
lava-damage-amount: 2
race-color: GRAY
display-name: "&7Werewolf" material: DIAMOND_SWORD
durability: 0
lore: -
"&eThis is an example lore" -
"&c&oChange me in the config!" slot: 3
item-flags: - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES
base-health: 20
race-choose-commands: - bc
%player_displayname% is now a(n) %player_race_displayname%! race-commands-day: - say It turned day
race-commands-night: - say It turned night
permissions: - race.permission
- -negated.permission
potioneffects: - SPEED
day-effects: - SPEED
night-effects: - SPEED
water-damage: true
lava-damage: true
water-damage-amount: 2
lava-damage-amount: 2
race-color: YELLOW
display-name: "&eHuman" material: DIAMOND_AXE
durability: 0
lore: -
"&eThis is an example lore" -
"&c&oChange me in the config!" slot: 5
item-flags: - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES
I'll covert your old config to the new one if you want to. Just send me a message on here or on Discord with your configuration file and I'll have it ready the next minute ^-^
I hope that wraps it up for this update. It's a pretty big one!