PlayTimes - Track Player PlayTime icon

PlayTimes - Track Player PlayTime -----

The best /playtime plugin! PAPI support, offline checks, API & more!

Big Big Update!

Update v1.3

- Added Support for 1.16.1

- Completely Recoded Plugin!
- More efficient code
- Removed %deaths% placeholder
- Better/New API

- Added commands to reset/set playtime

Reset & Set PlayTime:
You can now set and reset players' playtime. This was a popular request that I had a hard time deciding if it should be added or not. With this ability, you have the opportunity to reset all the players' playtime on your server but once done it cannot be reversed! Be careful with who you give permission to this command.
Code (Text):

/pte reset all - resets every single players' playtime
/pte reset <player> - resets a players' playtime
/pte set <player> <time-in-seconds> - sets a players' playtime

Please note: This feature is very new, use at your own risk in old old versions of MC

Complete Recode:
This plugin undertook a pretty massive recode. This recode will make it 100x easier to add features. It also made the plugin much more efficient. However, with every new code introduced new problems. This update was tested many times but could contain a bug somewhere. If you experience any issues please dm me asap! Thank you all for the support, happy to be working on this plugin once again.


The API for this plugin has been greatly redone. First, start off by adding this resource to your plugin.
Once this plugin is added to your projects' external libraries you can start to use it!

The API works from two different methods.

A TimelessPlayer and a TimelessServer.


A TimelessPlayer can either be online or offline.
Example: Creating an online player:
Code (Java):
TimelessPlayer player = new TimelessPlayer (event. getPlayer ( ) ) ;
*If the player is offline or unknown use a UUID instead of a Player!
Example: Creating an offline player:
Code (Java):
TimelessPlayer player = new TimelessPlayer (uuid ) ;
A Timeless player has the following methods:

Code (Text):
getPlayTime() - returns playtime of player in format
getDays() - returns days played
getHours() - returns hours played
getMins() - returns minutes played
getSecs() - returns seconds played


A TimelessServer can display the top 10 leaderboard info and uptime!

To create a TimelessServer simply do:
Code (Java):
TimelessServer server = new TimelessServer ( ) ;
The methods a TimelessServer can do are:

Code (Text):
getTop10Players() - returns top 10 players in a list
getNumberOne() - returns number 1 in leaderboard
getNumberTwo() - returns number 2
getNumberThree()... all the way to getNumberTen()

getUptime() - returns server uptime in format
getUptimeInSeconds() - returns uptime in seconds
NOTE: It is recommended to use getTop10Players() and retrieving the other positions when dealing with multiple positions.

For further help join the help discord :)
P.S old API works but will be removed in 2-3 updates!

Coming soon:
- PlayTimesPlus coming very very very soon :)

Thank you all for the support and downloads!
Check our PlayTimes statistics here :)
----------, Jun 27, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 36,953
First Release: Jul 17, 2018
Last Update: Jun 20, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
79 ratings
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