PlayTimes - Track Player PlayTime icon

PlayTimes - Track Player PlayTime -----

The best /playtime plugin! PAPI support, offline checks, API & more!

Version: 1.6.2b
I like this Plugin so much, i use the MySQL suppot for my Network, its perfect. But one think i would like to have is like an Placeholder for the Global toptime. With papi i can use %PlayTimes_global_playtime% and aalso the afk time works with this synatx. but %PlayTimes_global_toptime1% where very nice to have.

Version: 1.6.2b
Works as advertised but there should be an option to just have days and minutes. Also there should be a RAW time placeholder showing days, minutes and seconds. That way you can have a shortened playtime in the TAB and a full playtime when you run /playtime

Version: 1.6.2b
Good plugin, but would love a placeholder to show a players playtime in hours only. :)

Version: 1.6.2b
I dont know what I making wrong but there is no nicks in the playtime top. Always working - now not. Especially that there is no luckperms prefixes that I would like to use, no support on discord (server) that will be faster than spigot message. Opened 2 problems on github - "fixed" but no - its not fixed
sorry plugin is very great but there is huge bug meaby only for me (why) meaby other users have same problem

Version: 1.6.2b
Please add Minecraft Version 1.21. . . . .
Author's response
PlayTimes works in 1.21. If you are experiencing issues report them here so I can better help you.

Version: 1.6.1
Good plugin continue this but need fix for Hex prefix in the top plugin which i wrote in dm and in Bugs and no fixed was made. Also changeable text for new available version can be good idea. Hex prefixes for luckperms in top placeholders not working at all so for now this is useless. Now plugin doesnt show nicknames so its useless too. No engagement on the part of the author
Author's response
Hi, sorry you have ran into these issues. I responded to you on GitHub and am waiting a response. I am unable to reproduce your issue -- but would love to help get it resolved.

Version: 1.6.1
Nice plugin! Keep it up! :)
I have a suggestion:

It will be nice if you add the following 2 more stuff:

- PlayTime: 22h 0mins 0s
- Times joined: 100
- Joined date: 01/01/2024
- Last time spent: 30mins
- Last date: 01/02/2024

Why? It most for the staff members, so we can see the activity in the server.

Thanks :)
Author's response
Thank you for the review and the suggestions. I will definitely be adding those placeholders into PlayTimes!

Version: 1.6.1
Perfect plugin for playtime tracking! Simple, lightweight and customizable, you don't need anything else for playtime tracking.
Author's response
Glad you like the plugin! Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.6
Hello, the plugin is very useful and nice. I hope it gets updated for a long time and is not abandoned. There are a few things I want, I mentioned them in the issues tab on github. ☺️
Author's response
Thank you for the review. I saw your suggestions and I will be adding them soon!

Version: 1.6
excellent but u could add %playtime_position% which could show players position like
Author's response
Thank you for the review. Feel free to post your suggestions here with more detail and I can look into adding it! Thanks again:

Version: 1.6
Great plugin, I thought it was broken at first then realised I got the date format wrong lol
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.6
Good plugin, however join date is being very broken. it was fine at first now mine and a few others join date is showing as month 49.. obviously not possible lol

Version: 1.5.3
Very good plugin. But it’s very annoying that console could not use the toppt command
Author's response
Thanks for the review! /toppt works in the console as of version 1.6.

Version: 1.4.7
Works great, but is there a way to give default players access to the commands without giving them op?
Author's response
Yes, use permissions.
pt.use - Lets you use /playtime.
pt.others - Lets you check others playtime.
pt.uptime - Lets you check server uptime.
pt.reload - Lets you reload & more.
pt.block - Lets you block players from being on the leaderboard - Lets you use /toppt
pt.block-cooldown - No cooldown for /toppt

Version: 1.4.7
The plugin does what it's supposed to do, counting player time. However, the leaderboards seem to be inaccurate and variable. There is no forum for support besides GitHub, where the developer seemed to brush off the issue. Quite disappointing.

Version: 1.4.7
A good plugin for viewing and played hours on the server and top among the time among all players. Work on Purpur 1.19.3

Version: 1.4.7
Please add mysql for rewards!

Version: 1.4.7
Nice plugin, but I would like it to work for bungee

Version: 1.4.7
I'm so happy I found this plugin, I used to use playtime but that's outdated now, I just wish there was the ability to use placeholders for hours, minutes and seconds etc, because I need the different values in different places

Version: 1.4.6
overall good plugin, however for 1.19 it works fine except you cant check offline players playtime and playtime top online show online players time and offline players time just says "0s"
Author's response
Thank you for the review, please check out the latest update for 1.19 support :)

Version: 1.4.6
this is a really good plugin to see how much play time every member has on the server, however for some reason it does not work with leaderheads it says "Received invalid value 1day for placeholder %playtimes_toptime1% for player ItzEnderArkail. Expected a number."

Version: 1.4.6
Hallo Würde mich über ein command freuen wo man ein Spieler Online zeit zufügen kann z.b aus alten plugins nachtragen

Version: 1.4.6
Great plugin, but I have a suggestion for the AFK users..
Would be nice if you put like that doesnt count the time played for afk people! Thanks!

Version: 1.4.4
Hello my server crashed whit these errors :
(NO error or overload in logs before this crash), any idea ?
Author's response
Looks like an error with something you inputted into the config.yml. Please dm me for further help!

Version: 1.4.4
This plugin is great!, everything works brilliant, placeholders actually works, for some reason some other plugins they dont work. So im very happy they work. 100% recommend using this plugin.

Version: 1.3.10
Thanks for your great work!
In spigot 1.17, when I used the toppt command, I got this error:

Unexpected exception while parsing console command "toppt"
>org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'toppt' in plugin Playtimes v1.3.10
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ~[spigot.jar:3118-Spigot-66f9d3c-27835bd]
at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( ~[spigot.jar:3118-Spigot-66f9d3c-27835bd]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( ~[spigot.jar:3118-Spigot-66f9d3c-27835bd]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.CraftServer.dispatchServerCommand( ~[spigot.jar:3118-Spigot-66f9d3c-27835bd]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.handleCommandQueue( ~[spigot.jar:3118-Spigot-66f9d3c-27835bd]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.b( ~[spigot.jar:3118-Spigot-66f9d3c-27835bd]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a( ~[spigot.jar:3118-Spigot-66f9d3c-27835bd]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.x( ~[spigot.jar:3118-Spigot-66f9d3c-27835bd]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$0( ~[spigot.jar:3118-Spigot-66f9d3c-27835bd]
at [?:?]
>Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.lang.Long.longValue()" because the return value of "org.json.simple.JSONObject.get(Object)" is null
at me.codedred.playtimes.utils.Statistics.getPlayerStatistic( ~[?:?]
at me.codedred.playtimes.models.Leaderboard.updateTimes( ~[?:?]
at me.codedred.playtimes.models.Leaderboard.getTopTen( ~[?:?]
at me.codedred.playtimes.commands.TopTime.onCommand( ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ~[spigot.jar:3118-Spigot-66f9d3c-27835bd]
... 9 more
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Plugin has been updated to 1.17, this error should be gone for you now :)

Version: 1.3.10
The following prompt appears:
[08:01:28 WARN]: Initializing Legacy Material Support. Unless you have legacy plugins and/or data this is a bug!
[08:01:34 WARN]: Legacy plugin Playtimes v1.3.10 does not specify an api-version.
Author's response
Do not worry about this warning, I will look to change it soon. Thank you for the review!

Version: 1.3.10
Very Cool, but can you add Mysql support? I need it for my Server. You could also add to change the reflesh in ticks for the playtime in the config.
Author's response
Thanks for the review, MySQL support is coming. PlayTimes does not count time at all, the time is counted by the server. To configure the refresh time you must change your autosave time.

Version: 1.3.10
Nice plugin, but can you add placeholders in sek, hours, min?
would be really better.
Author's response
The placeholder system is being looked into, check out the current PAPI placeholders for a bit more configurability. Thank you!

Version: 1.3.10
Would love to see support for GUIs.
A red wool would be how many times the player has logged on, the lore would be the value. (Total logins: 1000)
Author's response
Thanks for the review!
I looked into adding a GUI before, maybe I'll take another look into adding one. Thanks again!

Version: 1.3.10
Looks like a good plugin, however, does playtime freeze when you're afk? (Like the essentials plugin)
Author's response
No PlayTimes only reads the time-played (time online). I suggest getting a good afk kicker or waiting for my premium version of PlayTimes coming soon.

Version: 1.3.10
It works on 1.16.4 Paper :) very nice and easy configurable Plugin :)
Top work !
Author's response
Appreciate the review! Thank you.

Version: 1.3.8
Awesome plugin. I was wondering if you could add a separate command output/chat message for /playtime <player> so those who have permission for this can see more/different info about other players.

Version: 1.3.8
[07:55:49 INFO]: Loaded plugin cmd_list version git:cmd_list:1.16-R0.4-SNAPSHOT:52a5c6f:371 by WaterfallMC
[07:55:49 WARN]: Error enabling plugin Playtimes
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/bukkit/plugin/java/JavaPlugin
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_211]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_211]
at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_211]
at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_211]
at$100(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_211]
at$ Source) ~[?:1.8.0_211]
at$ Source) ~[?:1.8.0_211]
at Method) ~[?:1.8.0_211]
at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_211]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_211]
at net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.PluginClassloader.loadClass0( ~[Waterfall.jar:git:Waterfall-Bootstrap:1.16-R0.4-SNAPSHOT:52a5c6f:371]
at net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.PluginClassloader.loadClass( ~[Waterfall.jar:git:Waterfall-Bootstrap:1.16-R0.4-SNAPSHOT:52a5c6f:371]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_211]
at net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.PluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[Waterfall.jar:git:Waterfall-Bootstrap:1.16-R0.4-SNAPSHOT:52a5c6f:371]
at net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.PluginManager.loadPlugins( ~[Waterfall.jar:git:Waterfall-Bootstrap:1.16-R0.4-SNAPSHOT:52a5c6f:371]
at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.start( ~[Waterfall.jar:git:Waterfall-Bootstrap:1.16-R0.4-SNAPSHOT:52a5c6f:371]
at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCordLauncher.main( ~[Waterfall.jar:git:Waterfall-Bootstrap:1.16-R0.4-SNAPSHOT:52a5c6f:371]
at net.md_5.bungee.Bootstrap.main( ~[Waterfall.jar:git:Waterfall-Bootstrap:1.16-R0.4-SNAPSHOT:52a5c6f:371]
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
at net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.PluginClassloader.loadClass0( ~[Waterfall.jar:git:Waterfall-Bootstrap:1.16-R0.4-SNAPSHOT:52a5c6f:371]
at net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.PluginClassloader.loadClass( ~[Waterfall.jar:git:Waterfall-Bootstrap:1.16-R0.4-SNAPSHOT:52a5c6f:371]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_211]
... 18 more
[07:55:49 INFO]: Enabled plugin reconnect_yaml version git:reconnect_yaml:1.16-R0.4-SNAPSHOT:52a5c6f:371 by WaterfallMC
[07:55:49 INFO]: Enabled plugin cmd_find version git:cmd_find:1.16-R0.4-SNAPSHOT:52a5c6f:371 by WaterfallMC
[07:55:49 INFO]: Enabled plugin SkinsRestorer version 13.4-SNAPSHOT by Th3Tr0LLeR, DoNotSpamPls, Blackfire62
Author's response
Reviews aren't a place for bug reports/help. Please either dm me or create a ticket on my help Discord:

Version: 1.3.7
Great plugin. Shame it doesn't work with alonsoleaderboards. Perhaps in the future update.
Author's response
The PAPI Placeholders work with any plugin that supports PAPI :D If you need help feel free to join the help discord. Thank you!

Version: 1.3.6
A very good and useful plugin for the server. It will definitely be on my server! So keep going! :D
Author's response
Thank you very much!

Version: 1.3.5
plugin is perfect but there isn´t a MYSQL connection:C
So the Plugin is useless on Bungeecord servers.
Please fix this!
Author's response
MySQL is definitely something I will be adding in the future, however, there is an addon for Playtimes that offers MySQL support:

Version: 1.3.5
If you're looking for staff that don't lie about their playtime and first join date, this is the plugin for you.
It'd be nice if you were to add a help command as I am new to the plugin and don't memorize all of the commands.
Thank you for this plugin :D
Author's response
Thanks for the review, I can definitely add a help command in the next update :)

Version: 1.3.4
Probably one of the best plugins to track playtime for your users.

Author's response
Thank you very much for the review!

Version: 1.3.4
Thank you for this easy to use the plugin. How it detects player playtime? How it is possible that the plugin knows my playtime from the server first start? LOL EPIC. NICE JOB!
Author's response
Thank you for the review! PlayTimes does not record any time, it simply takes the player's recorded time from the world folder and translates it for you :) Thus grabbing player time from the second your server was ever created!

Version: 1.3.4
very nice plugin, and it would be possible to put it on a hologram, for example in the Holographic Displays plugin?
Author's response
The new update added more PAPI placeholders for you to use in holograms :) Thank you.

Version: 1.3.4
this plugin is perfect. never had any issues. only plugin based around playtime that actually has working commands. have been using it for about 2 years
Author's response
Awesome to hear! Thank you!

Version: 1.3.4
Dear Author,

Your Server Manager did a horrible job with customer care. I asked for the simple working placeholder that is supposed to be %PlayTimes_time%. Either way, I was banned from the Discord after awaiting an answer for the question which took over 24 hours. I pinged the manager 5 times again to get his attention since he was online and I got banned. I really wanted to use this plugin but I can't even get support or even report all the bugs I am noticing.
Author's response
Sorry, you had a bad experience during this time I was quite busy with college and I had my team take over. If you still need help feel free to dm me on discord: CodedRed#0900

Version: 1.3.4
It's a very basic plugin to keep track of player time. I'd really like you to stop using the legacy API though because that really sucks.
Author's response
Legacy API does not affect this plugin for your server at all.

Version: 1.3.4
This is excellent! You can tell that they did more than what they had to. They even added it so you can tell when a user joined for the first time.

Version: 1.3.4
It's great to have a player time logger, howver having the time in days to group hours every 24h it's not usefull. There should be an option or by default, to count in hours without grouping into days.

Without taking that into account this is the best and maybe the only functional 1.16 plugin to count time!

Version: 1.3.3
Great plugin! What is the author's github?
The plugin is really good. I recommend it highly!

Version: 1.3.2
It’s a great functional plugin but would be better if we have top placeholders + MySQL support or at least bungee support to this

Version: 1.3.2
Hey,I think it is a nice plugin.
Could you please allow me to introduce it to
Many server owners are seeking good plugins there.
I'll mark you as the author.
I hope they can use the plugin.

Version: 1.3.1
please add the tops to the placeholders


Version: 1.3
works exactly how expected, a nice little plugin well done mate...........................

Version: 1.3
Very good plugin and very fast support. Discord support very organized and speedy -- posted and answered in 3mins.
Author's response
Happy to hear! Thank you

Version: 1.3
Nice plugin, very useful on different types servers. Placeholders helps create good menu for players :)
Author's response
Thank you for the review!

Version: 1.2.15
I love this plugin and everyone on my sever get's a kick out of how long we actually spend on there.

A quick suggestion/request: It would be super cool if we could add some sort of reward system so the longer someone get is on they get maybe a few diamond or xp or something. Like milestones. So once they've been on for 20 days they get a reward!

We love this plugin though so thank you!
Author's response
Glad you enjoy the plugin! Once I get more free time the premium version will be released and will include rewards :)

Version: 1.2.15
5 stars for sure. Is there a way to make this only display hours? I have no need for the days and minutes on my server
Author's response
Thanks for the review :) I can definitely add this feature in a future update!

Version: 1.2.15
I use this plugin on my 6 servers but please add bungeecord support. I love this plugin and I hope its gettin better!
Author's response
Bungeesupport is coming :) Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.2.15
Awesome Plugin! Works Great so far! :D
Author's response
Thank you very much!

Version: 1.2.15
Great Plugin! All I want in this plugin is bungeecord support! So all the playtimes are linked together throughout all my servers. :) Overall great plugin simple and easy to use
Author's response
MySQL support will be available soon :) Its very next on my todo list! Thanks for the review.

Version: 1.2.15
This plugin is great but can you put MVdW placeholders api support?
I want to use this in FeatherBoard but I can't :(
Author's response
Sure thing! I will try to add this next update :)

Version: 1.2.14
Plugin works amazingly! Tried like 3 other plugins before this and none worked off the bat like yours did. And the config is so good and easy to understand and usue!
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 1.2.13
A good plugin for seeing players' Played Time, it help me a lot.
You can add to this plugin a command to see offline player played time
Author's response
Thank you very much!

Version: 1.2.13
this would be great if it had mysql support for networks. i would happily pay money for a plugin that did that. if you could please add that support, or a premium version which has it since i cannot find another project that tracks playtime as well as this.
Author's response
The premium version with these features is coming soon.

Version: 1.2.13
Its good plugin butcannot edit api placeholder api for example, so that no seconds can be seen there.
Author's response
Thanks for the review, seconds can be disabled within the config! Feel free to suggest new features on my Discord.

Version: 1.2.13
milan je pseća mačka kurva ionako dodatak nije loš, samo što u njemu postoji parna greška, ali nema problema
Author's response
Hello, I only know English and a little bit of French. If you are receiving an error please contact me privately.

Version: 1.2.13
It is a nice plugin, but it doesn't support MYSQL storage method. Forget it if you're a network.
Author's response
MySQL support is coming soon, it definitely is not a necessity for this plugin if you are a network.

Version: 1.2.11
Puedes añadir un comando o una línea en la configuración, donde puedas reiniciar el toppt una cantidad de tiempo COMO (Días - Mes)

Preferiblemente que sea automático!
Author's response
Thank you for the review!

I really like your idea and I will be looking into it more, Thanks :)

Version: 1.2.11
Works out of the box as intended. Everything can be customized and runs off bukkit stuff so it won't actually cause extra lag. Well done!
Author's response
Happy you like it, Thanks!

Version: 1.2.11
A great fun plugin that works perfectly, the author is very professional and dedicated.
Author's response
Thank you very much for the review!

Version: 1.2.11
You can't go wrong here.
Very simple plugin to understand/configurate.
Able to make your playtime feature look how you want.

Good developer. Good support
Highly Recommend!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.2.8
Pretty damn good plugin. it grabbed my total playtime on the server from before i even installed the plugin! wish there was some way to wipe the time though, so i can start fresh for when my server releases.
Author's response
Glad you like it, thanks for the review. Player time is stored in the world folder -> stats folder -> player’s UUID JSON file. If you delete the file or change the playOneMinute to 0 that will reset the time. Hope that helps!

Version: 1.2.8
Very great informational plugin! I've never had a problem with this plugin. The only well-functioning plugin showing playtime. 10/10
Author's response
Thank you for the review!

Version: 1.2.7
Favourite playtime plugin so far and works great in 1.14. Thanks heaps for an awesome plugin
Author's response
Thanks for the review!!

Version: 1.2.3
great plugin! This is the only good plugin with /topplaytime, Thank you so much.
Author's response
You are welcome :) Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.2.2
love this one, can u add /pttop command?

Author's response
Thanks for the review, I am working on this feature :)

Version: 1.2.1
Great plugin! But please add a /playtime top, I've been trying to find a good playtime plugin with /playtime top, but I can't find any. good plugin :)
Author's response
Check out update 1.2.3 :) Feature added, thanks for the review!

Version: 1.1.2
Great plugin. When I'm importing the API into my java code, it cannot find the package. any idea why? i have added the jar file into the project properties.
Author's response
All fixed in new version. Thanks for the review.

Version: 1.1.2
Amazing plugin for keeping track of players playtime, but can not find a command to find player join date. If I could find that command I would love the plugin even more :D
Author's response
Thanks for the review, the join date is a placeholder %joindate%!

Version: 1.1.2
Working great on 1.13.2. Very nice plugin. Looking forward to the Playtime ranks and Playtime rewards. Thanks for making this plugin available
Author's response
Thank you very much!

Version: 1.1.2
This plugin adds a very useful and simple to use feature to my server, it does exactly what I wanted it to.
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.1.2
10/10, excuse my previous review. Owner responded super fast and I've been off spigot for a while. This plugin is now 100% perfect, it's got everything I'm looking for and is pretty simple!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.1.1
It's a good plugin, but: "Console can't check playtime." I really want to like this plugin but I'd rather not have to log in to check someone's playtime.
Author's response
Went ahead and fixed this for you. Console can now check playtime.

Version: 1.1.1
Good plugin, but add MySQL support please, it will be better ;)
Author's response
I'll look into adding MySQL :), thanks for the review!

Version: 1.0.3
Super good plugin!
Useful and i love that it has an API.
But please, add more features to the API like uptime, reload etc..
Author's response
Sure thing! Next update ill add more to the API. Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.0.1
Nice plugin, but you can add for the next update a API for Devs.
5 stars great plugin
Author's response
Thanks for the review! I have added API for devs in update 1.0.2!

Version: 1.0.1
Cool Plugin, please add mysql and bungeecord support
5 star 5 star 5 star 5 star 5 star 5 star 5 star
Author's response
Thanks for the review, I'll look into adding mySQL and bungee support in the next update.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 37,006
First Release: Jul 17, 2018
Last Update: Jun 20, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
79 ratings
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