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Wizards ❱ Domination | CTF | TDM -----

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New Class: Cosmos
All new classes are tested to some extent, please do some testing, proper balancing and report any problems in PM or Discussion.
  • New Class: Cosmos
    • Creates a Meteor above the player that will create a impact doing AoE damage and applying blindness.
    • Cosmos config options:
    • Code (Text):
      #Cosmos config

      #Meteor spawn Y
      #This will add to current player's location.
      meteor-spawn-y: 35

      #Meteor speed multiplier
      meteor-speed-multiplier: 0.7

      #Should the Meteor spawn fireworks?
      spawns-firework: true

      #Should the meteor explosion remove blocks?
      meteor-explosion: false

      #If set to true, the meteor will only impact on ground.
      #Otherwise, the location of the impact will be (the location where the skill was activated) - (meteor-spawn-y)
      #meaning that it will decrease a Y coordinate until it reaches 0, that way it can explode on air.
      only-explode-on-ground: true

      #Blidness config, 20 ticks = 1s
      apply-blindness: true
      blindness-time-in-ticks: 35
Note: You need to manually add the class to your shop.yml, the default value is
Code (Text):
item: 'COAL_BLOCK : 1'
name: '&6Cosmos'
  - '&7Spawns a meteor that will'
  - '&7impact the ground and'
  - '&7cause AoE damage.'
slot: 30
hard to think of new classes names sometimes, feel free to change it!
----------, Sep 25, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 139
First Release: Jul 7, 2018
Last Update: Yesterday at 4:53 AM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
18 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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