This version contains a emergency (recent problem, it does not impact older Wizards versions) bugfix, please update as soon as possible.
- NEW CLASS: Squid
- Spawns circles that will cause damage and heal teammates by 2HP per enemy hit.
- Will also apply small knockback.
- Class config:
Code (Text):
#For example, If there are two enemies around the player, heal value will be 4hp (2❤)
healing-per-player: 2
#Area for teammates to be healed
healing-area: 3.5
#This only apply to heal and particles, all players within the damage-area will take damage.
#By default, set to 4, so if healing-per-player is set to 2 and limit to 4, teammates can only be healed by 8hp (4❤).
player-limit: 4
#Should cause knockback?
apply-knockback: true
Y-multiplier: 1.2
X-multiplier: 0.4
- Added a way to add Potion Effects via scripts, I've added some default values for Squid to use as an example
- wizard.addPotionEffect(player, effect, ticks, level);
Code (Text):
- "wizard.addPotionEffect(player, \"DAMAGE_RESISTANCE\", 25, 0);"
- "wizard.addPotionEffect(targetplayer, \"BLINDNESS\", 40, 0);"
- "wizard.addPotionEffect(allyplayer, \"DAMAGE_RESISTANCE\", 25, 0);"
- scripts: adds DAMAGE RESISTANCE (level 1) to yourself for 1.5s.
ally-scripts: adds DAMAGE RESISTANCE (level 1) to all nearby teammates for 1.5s.
target-scripts: applies BLINDNESS (level 1) to all nearby teammates and for yourself for 1.5s.
- Potion Effect List:
- Added 'targetplayer' to scripts.
- Returns the bukkit player version of target.
- Fixed 'player' returning gameplayer for scripts.
- Added a join menu:
- /wizards joinmenu
- You can set to show or not show an arena on the menu if the player cannot join the game by setting Options.Game-Menu-Show-Only-Available-Arenas to true.
- You can edit menu items at Items.Join-Arena-Item and
- You can change the Menu name and Item lore at
- Fixed a major issue where game update task is occurring 2 times.
- Removed delay from healing potions for heal.
shop.yml is not updated by automatically.
Please make a backup of your shop.yml and delete it to generate a new one
OR add the following lines:
Code (Text):
item: 'BLACK_DYE: 1'
name: '&6Squid'
- '&7Spawns circles that will cause'
- '&7damage and heal teammates'
- '&7by 2HP per enemy hit.'
slot: 28
NOTE: Js-Engine will not work on newer Java/MC versions, this is a known issue at the moment, will work on it.